Trying to water down Pizza gate with a bunch of other pizza stories.
Nice trick.
>>15593269 PB
I want to sue The Screaming Bastards Day Care Center 3 doors down from my house, for the past 22 years of having my peace & quiet disturbed by the high pitched sounds of children screeching like banshees.
Think I'll be successful?
The RINOs were put in place with voter fraud, why would they do anything to change that?
The RINOs job is to give people the Illusion that they have someone on their side. They jump up & down and say a lot of things and at the same time are stuffing money in their back pocket to do absolutely nothing but jump up & down & shout.
We did not give you a permit to protest against us, therefore, your protest is illegal.
Sort of like being accused of being antisemitic.
I wonder what the outcome would have been if his shirt had said Fuck the Jews, or Fuck Whitey?
She is pretty good at lying and pulling bullshit out of her ass, I'll give her that.
Because if you criticize me, I will accuse you of criticizing me, and I have made it illegal to criticize me.