PETITION: Call on FTC to investigate GoFundMe after shutting down Truckers' page
PETITION: Call on FTC to investigate GoFundMe after shutting down Truckers' page
do muhjooshills get The Filter?
The Europeans are coming now in full force, full power and are preparing to take the relay race from the Canadian brothers. The energy is super super high in Europe, the people are more motivated than ever, the South-West "Convoi de la Libertรฉ" (FreedomConvoy) left Perpignan yesterday and has gained momentum. It has just arrived in the city of Cahors after spending the night in Toulouse. Lets give the a big share to this video. Also in Europe people expect police brutality and don't care about what the NWO says about them.
who knew europe had a single gonad?
'cause he faek and ghey
he meant "with the devil"