"so-called" is MSM delegitimization
The cult's recognition signals are not confined to stupid hand signs, they use a bureaucratic management jargon that includes all the latest 'buzzwords' developed in the heart of their hive. This linguistic degradation was called Newspeak as represented by the Oceania dictatorship in the George Orwell's novel "1984". and in the mind control movie Clockwork Orange it is called "nadsat talk"
In Vlad. Nabokov's novel about pedophilia in the authoritarian communist state Bend Sinister
When we adopt an opponents jargon we concede weakness of our own, we adopt the assumption and prejudices the jargon's creators embedded in it.
" Just sayin' "
"Thought partners"
"Top-of-mind issues"
"Circle back"
The cult buzzwords of today repeated over and over are rapidly taken up by NPCs and become the clichés and platitudes of the future
"Period. full stop."