Largely in agreement with this. Will quibble a bit and say that Castro Jr. never had enough support to be elected. Anon asserts that he and those like him all over the world were installed via cheating. Straight up he/they never would have gotten in.
Agree that the dark side has limited options. They are running out of time, space, and moves. Lots of blustering, which is their specialty, but no real actions that bring significant results. They had to return the gas cans, and spitefully fouled the fuel first (I hear). That is juvenile, chickenshit stuff, again their specialty.
Anon agrees that block ships are a very effective tactic if properly and timely placed. Satisfying to use naval tactics on land (agree that military minds are guiding the truckers/patriots), especially with the juicy irony that they have considered us individuals as ships at sea, under Admiralty Law. Let them have a taste of their own medicine. Agree that another week might do the trick, but however long it takes, this is it.