Saying jjjust enough of what people want to hear, eh, but not this:
Tons of videos showing all of this — a small sampling of some examples:
Wisconsin has 4 million adults but 7.1 million voter registrations
625,000 dead people on Wisconsin's voter rolls
Illegally cast ballot from a "person who doesn't exist" "We have found thousands of these."
Rock County, WI: 5.6% illegally cast ballots from voters who moved and phantom votes
Extrapolates to 4,795 in one county
"Even if we're off by 50%, which I know we're not, I go over these numbers everyday for the last 14 months…[that's] 165,000 illegally cast ballots in WI"
One apartment complex in Madison that houses less than 700 has 1,631 registered "voters." The building had a 102% turnout rate on 11/3
and on and on and on….
LapTop From Hell and everything Bidan Corruption was being covered looooong before the 2020 election, but not on Hunter's Boyfriend's channel.