Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.1560253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281

Obama administration was corrupt, more and more evidence reveals daily




There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black president of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over.


Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic.


As Mr. Obama’s favorite, President Abraham Lincoln, warned us, the most dangerous threats can come from domestic enemies.


First of all, that bit about being a leader for all Americans, color-blind if you will, was a tall tale. Mr. Obama never missed an opportunity to sew racial divide. During his term in the Oval Office, racial relations literally went off the cliff. Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle promoted the false narrative that white America was literally guilty of hunting down blacks with glee. They whipped up resentment in minority communities against the police, even though a Harvard study found that blacks are no more likely to be killed by police than whites.


But the racial divisions, as painful and heartbreaking as they are, were not the worst of it.


The abuse of power started to become clear when it was revealed the Internal Revenue Service was biased against conservatives. I still don’t understand why that woman is not in jail. She sat there and lied to the American people and to Congress with no accountability.


Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff.


The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever.


However, the coup-de-grace is what we are now learning about the 2016 election and the criminal spying on the Trump campaign.


The president of the United States was set up. Mr. Trump is exactly right. The weaponization of our intelligence and security services has damaged their reputation for generations, and the rule of law, to which this great nation is so committed, has been irreparably damaged as well.


I’ve said it before, the Obama administration was nothing more than highly organized crime.


Justice will be served. It may take a while, but the truth will continue to come out.


It’s a shame the administration of the first black president was also the most corrupt. Such a lost opportunity to better this great country.


It’s not that hard to understand. Still, it’s difficult to accept.


It shouldn’t happen here.



Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.1560324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0342 >>0586 >>0660

Clapper Answers Why Trump Campaign Wasn’t Alerted To Russian Effort


Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper tried to explain on CNN Sunday why the Trump campaign wasn’t warned about Russian meddling efforts.


During an interview with Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Clapper seemed to argue that the Russian threat “had [not] reached the point” where the FBI would alert the campaign, but apparently had reached the point where the FBI would send in an informant.


“The first thing is just to determine what was going on,” Clapper said. “If there wasn’t a concern about the Russians…perhaps no reason to do that. You know, the FBI has rules and protocols for when they decide to do something like that and I don’t think that at that point it had reached the point where it would be appropriate to engage the head of the campaign or the nominee.”


Clapper also denied any knowledge of the operation, explaining that it would not be “appropriate” for the DNI to know the identities of any informants working with the FBI.




Note: interesting time stamp on this piece

11:11 AM 05/27/2018

Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.1560364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Top Obama Donor Brokered His Netflix Deal


A top campaign bundler for former President Barack Obama was instrumental in securing a Netflix deal for the former president and former first lady Michelle Obama, a new report reveals.


Netflix creative-content chief Ted Sarandos, who bundled just under $600,000 in contributions for Obama’s 2012 campaign, “helped to broker the deal,” New York Post reported on Saturday, citing an unnamed source.


The personal ties between Sarandos and The Obamas run deep, the Post noted.


Sarandos’s wife, Nicole Avant, served as the ambassador to the Bahamas from 2009-2011. Avant’s father, Clarence Avant, bundled $450,000 for Obama’s presidential campaigns, according to the paper. (President Obama was known for rewarding top campaign donors with cushy ambassador positions.)


The former president claimed on Wednesday his show will be about “training the next generation of leaders” to follow in his footsteps.


Obama’s upcoming show isn’t the first partnership between Netflix and a former member of his administration. The streaming service added former national security adviser Susan Rice to its board of directors in March.



Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.1560414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0427 >>0586 >>0612 >>0660

James Clapper Floats Possibility Trump Might Be The Answer To North Korea


North Korea might have met its match, butting up against President Donald Trump and his unconventional ways, the director of national intelligence during the Obama-era suggested Sunday.


Trump did a good job handling the potential summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Clapper said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Clapper has been a frequent critic of the president’s often belligerent attitude toward the intelligence community.


“I support the letter that President Trump sent to Kim Jong Un. I think it was a good thing to do,” he noted, referring to a letter Trump wrote Friday telling Kim he was cancelling a long-awaited meeting between the two leaders.


“I was very much looking forward to being there with you,” Trump wrote in the letter. “Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting.”


North Korea called the move regrettable while expressing a strong desire for dialogue.


North Korea “would like to make known to the U.S. side once again that we have the intent to sit with the U.S. side to solve [the] problem regardless of ways at any time,” the North Korean foreign ministry said in an official statement. The North’s “warm” and “productive” response led Trump to reconsider his decision to cancel the summit.


Trump initially cancelled the June 12 summit after Kim raised objections late May 24 to joint military exercises on the North Korean border between the U.S. and South Korea. Kim had not previously noted any concerns about the exercises.


The North Korean leader’s actions are not surprising, Clapper said. “In some ways, Kim Jong Un may have met his match here with our very unconventional president.” His praise for the president’s handling of North Korea talks comes at a weird time for the DNI, who found himself defending the use of an FBI informant inside the Trump campaign during the election.


Obama had “no knowledge” of an FBI informant, Clapper said Friday. He also said, “It’s a good thing” there was an informant inside Trump’s inner circle during the election cycle, and Trump should be glad there was a mole embedded in the campaign to defend him from Russian tinkering.



Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.1560456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0472

Rudy Fears Trump/Mueller Interview Is A Trap

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who now leads President Donald Trump’s defense team, told Fox News Sunday Trump will not interview with special counsel Robert Mueller if he believes the meeting is a trap for perjury.


A perjury trap refers to a practice in which prosecutors question witnesses under oath with the intent of catching them in a prosecutable lie.


“The reality is we’re not going to sit him down if it’s a trap for perjury,” Giuliani told Bill Hemmer, who sat in for regular host Chris Wallace. “And until we’re convinced of that … we’re just going to have to say no.”


“Let me emphasize,” Giuliani added, “he wants to explain that he did nothing wrong.”


CNN reported the Trump team and the special counsel nearly reached an agreement in January providing for a multi-hour interview at Camp David, though the meeting never came to fruition. Other Trump lawyers have proposed Mueller submit questions in writing for the president to answer.



Mueller wants to question Trump about the dismissals of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and former FBI Director James Comey, among other subjects, according to the CNN report.


http:/ /

Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.1560505   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not sure that is what he's doing really. Reasoning is, he sorta kinda says this and then he sorta kinda says that. Thinking about, the famous intelligence collection statement, "Not unwittingly" He is a master spy in fact many of the spying programs that were used for Obama admin where his ideas.

Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.1560619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0642

An Oil Company Just Earned A Huge Settlement After Environmentalists Brought False Charges


The Supreme Court of Gibraltar awarded the oil company Chevron $38 million Friday for damages related to charges alleging the company contaminated the Amazon region of Ecuador.

An Ecuador court issued an $18 billion judgement against Chevron in February 2011 for environmental and social harm the company allegedly caused to the Amazon. The amount was later reduced to $9.5 billion, but a U.S. district court in New York nullified the judgement due to fraudulent and illegal activities by Steven Donziger, the lead American lawyer behind the lawsuit, according to the district court ruling.


Donziger had set up a company in Gibraltar, Amazonia Recovery Ltd., through which to funnel the funds he and others thought they would win from the Chevron case. The Gibraltar court rendered judgment on Donziger’s associates and Amazonia while issuing a permanent injunction between them and the case, stopping them from participating any further.


“In issuing this decision, the Supreme Court is holding the perpetrators of this fraudulent enterprise accountable for their actions,” Chevron Vice President and general counsel R. Hewitt Pate said in a statement. “In courtrooms around the world, this fraudulent scheme against Chevron Corporation continues to implode.”


The Gibraltar court’s decision follows a similar one in Dec. 2015 when the court awarded Chevron $28 billion in damages from Donziger and Amazonia and issued an injunction between them and the case. Pablo Fajardo, Luis Yanza and Ermel Chavez – Donziger’s partners in the scheme – tried to keep the pressure on Chevron by working through the company. They ignored the first judgement, resulting in the court leveling a new, higher judgment against them and the Amazonia.


The New York district court found that while Donziger had initiated the case with good intentions, he corrupted the process through telling half-truths, outright lies, and using fake evidence and witnesses.


“If ever there were a case warranting equitable relief with respect to a judgment procured by fraud, this is it,” the district court ruling said.


Oil companies are under increasing pressure in the United States as various states, cities and municipalities attempt to hold select companies responsible for damage from natural disasters. The lawsuits claim the oil companies are contributing to climate change, in turn contributing to more severe damage from weather events such at hurricanes and storms.



Anonymous ID: 46b675 May 27, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.1560654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think mostly they are trying to make cover for themselves. Mix the story up so much, it makes it hard for most to detect or understand what the real truth is, as most of the general public are just not that invested in understanding what really happens.