Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 3:11 p.m. No.1560315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0368

>>1559954 (pb)


There was an interesting statement a few nights ago. The Bible verses we were looking at, pointed to "Principalities" of Evil as the foe? And the informant/questioner of a few nights ago explained the bizarre behavior of those under investigation and ready to go down. Why are they smiling? Some of the answer I gleaned: Their faith is in their group. Their group represents "darkness" / evil and has been in power for hundreds of years [informant explains better. I will link text]


So Light vs Dark. In my philosophy there is no contest.


(For the sauce on the created Antiquity [projected backward in time to fool the sheeps] you have to study Fomenko. It's not a sound bite.)


Using "Q" questions and images as centers of focus is a good idea. Look how "Obama" / Hussein here [image attached] is almost presented as a God; With Soros looking on.


This brings me to the thoughts of Transhumanism. And why it is the "darkness" is not the default setting. [As mentioned by the informant is the belief of the Cabal]


Darkness can not create light. It has no substance. It has no Foundation. It is the apparent absence of Light.


(Notice how they are ostensibly Sun worshipers and allegedly call their deity "Lucifer" [light bringer]?)


They are twisted liars because "Light" / consciousness and its many manifestation - the creative power of life is the Foundation of Everything. Dark -absence of THAT has no existence. What they worship is a mirage. As soon as you perceive you are deceived, the mirage vanishes.


They must know that because ostensibly they worship the Sun and the god called "bringer of Light" -


Is that true or are they mocking the light, in a futile effort to aggrandize themselves? Is that why they call themselves [spread the name] "Illuminati" Is that more mockery?


They have a shallow sense of humor.


But they have no choice. They can't truly worship evil. That's why they are liars.


Truly the light / "goodness" is the Foundation of all . In the contest between the two, the meeting causes darkness to vanish. Darkness has no own-foundation. Light is self-existent.


It was rumored that the resemblance between "Hussain" and the alleged busts of Akhenatan was because he was a clone. Pretty strange because "Obama" "wife" resembled the bust to Nephratiti and the two children the two children of Akhenaten. I'm tending to believe all that was a red herring by Cabal, but who knows?

Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.1560390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0398 >>0429

>>1558108 previous bread

Al Bielek in an interview talks about his friend Phil Schneider he confirms that the V series was indeed a copy of the real life concept of greys making deals with Eisenhower eventually resulting in the well known dulce wars.


listen to all of phil and al's interviews if you want the full scoop on what V was written about.


the tldr version.

Grey's run the UN, they are the ultimate puppet masters, and the corrupt families of the world rothschilds etc report to the greys.


my take away from this is .

if we succeed in throwing of all the corrupt families, the greys will be pissed, and may go to the next step. all out invasion.



i know this is woowoo enough already but to add to that, there was a post i read many breads ago that stood out to me, it said they had seen a vision of what was to come, that after our successful campaign against these controlling families the greys then staged an full scale global attack, the poster said for us to avoid this potus must release secret technologies now so we have time to get prepared with energy weapons in the public realm...

Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.1560463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0485


I don't feel close to the answer to that at all.


"Pharaoh" I really believe studying Fomenko and his teams work coupled with the study of genealogy could crack the case?


Since the geneology is falsified we'd have to get accurate DNA "prints?"


Maybe too early to conjecture.


I do feel the "Light vs. Dark" Principalities relates to transhumanism and AI.


As to who exactly is "P?" I don't feel close to that at all


I jotted this down before I forgot it

"Why transhumanism and alleged strong "AI" fails?


Why do they believe "darkness" is the default setting? And how does that relate to their [alleged] faith in strong AI and "transhumanism?"


Because "darkeness" / lack of "light" ; consciousness; life - is so simple that it is

as though dead.


Living things are complex and unpredictable; they are not machine like.


Because they are confused about Life they believe that creating strong AI should be

"just some lines of code" - And that it's all worked out in theory and that's just as good as proving it? Their assumptions are wrong. That's why they lose.


Relates to their jealousy of the life-giving power of woman. And who they try to make women into men and vis versa. I believe most of the Cabal is a Fraternity - select indoctrinated woman put front and center for optics.


I would be very surprised if "P" was a woman, but you never know.

Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.1560480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0523


>Karistus fighting their way out of that hell hole

they fought their way out but their escape wasnt the entirety of the war, the battle at dulce broke out as they plotted the escape but the battle broke out independent of them, they simply took the opportunity as their moment to escape.


though the two occurred at the same time one did not cause the other,

our gov was lashing out against the dulce base for various other reasons.

Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 4 p.m. No.1560677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0705



Shakes his hand right before she gets on the plane to Buffalo and dies.

I thought at the time "Oh they must not have wanted her to communicate with Obama; she got too close to him"


Then I thought about it a little more and I realized he was in on it too, just as they all are.


But yes, if you really thought about it you had to know he was in on it, after that. And that truth didn't come immediately - but took a couple days.


Especially since you could easily see the Cabal killed her. The "crash" whatever it was - so completely abnormal. No plane parts. How did it nose dive.?. The house it hit was targeted too. Your typical anomalous event; like 9/11 itself.

Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1560759   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It's obvious the doubtfags are shills because why bother? If they really believed what they are writing, why come here?


So obvious.

Anonymous ID: 64e68f May 27, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.1560896   🗄️.is 🔗kun




For me, it was ~"Some people will never know the real story"

People become attached to their ideas.

The ideas become part of the person's identity. New information, which goes against their belief system, is seen to be a direct threat to their person/ identity.


For me, this meant: The information will be there - as it is now. But there could be quite a few people who will never catch on.


In the 19th c. re: information on germs.

It took one generation for the doctors to catch up. It had to be taught to the new generation. The doctors of the time would not and did not change their protocol.


Also, after the new data came in, it was a whole 'nother project to create the new protocols.


I think from a PR standpoint we are advised to stay away from "too far out" in order to accomplish a better "Awakening" event?


I'm pretty blunt. And I'm not afraid of labels. But here, anyway, it's seems we're warned of the incoming "talking points?"


If you are designing a trend it has to be understandable & conceivable to the public?