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the civilizational central core complex is designed to be a large, identical, East/West coast system placed in rural Nebraska and rural Georgia, with many decentralized, smaller Core Complex Systems that mimic the structure and cultural integrity of the civilizational central core comlpex. Ultimately, leisure, education, entertainment, and self-governance should be combined into one playhouse for the family of all ages, regardless of political affiliation, religion, race or creed. America has a home to share our ancient histories and current selves to reflect on the melting pot of America, the Land of the <who?and the Spirit of Freedom that pioneered the West making the Gold of California accessible to the average trader on a futures market via The silver in your I-phone and the westward expansion fueled by the Transcontinental railroads, the Power grid, the Fiber optic system, and the 5g network, will forever be, owned, built by, constructed by, funded by, the American people, from Caucasion to African, from Native to Creole, from Melungeon to Rockafella, from Clinton to Hillary, never let two Bush's become one, for here you find a problem. The song. How many partridges can literally fit in the pear trees that surround the holiday Central Core Complex System based on enhanced civilization understanding the how the 12 days of Christmas are inter-related to the 8 days of oil-burning in the lamp. You have to remember the 9-bit system. 8/9 is a repeating figure. 9/10 is a repeating figure. If you find the patent for 9-bit systems you will understand that the critical difference between 8 and 12 is actually 9, rather than 10 and 11. 9 is divisible by 12 and nobody ever said a word about eight. 8 is just a star on the keyboard, ext the the eternal symbol of the ampersand first found on the famous wikipedia website alongside all other scientifically relevant information which was sourced from and wikipedia. If you have questions on sources or credentials, please ask. Geometry did come from somewhere. The root symbol system is Circle, Triangle, Square. A circle is a whole 1, a triangle points to 3 and a square points to 4. Are you a star or were you born to be one? From dust to dust, ashes to ashes, where the mockingbird falls, the dodo bird walks, but each fire gives rise to one pheonix. Are you the pheonix? or are you Icarus as his wings melted and he crashed into the ground? Amen. Lord is my Creator and receives all personal credit for my intellectual contributions. On my next patent I will inform you of the Hanging Gardens of America, a 750x750sq mi. decentralized gardening complex, plowed by 100ft expandable and contractable plows that drive down any road in america to churn the monocultured soil back into harvestable farmland of Perfection. From sea to shining sea, let the Great Pyramids of America bring forth glory as we produce billions of goats to feed the world, only to use their bones as pyramid material. The plastic island in the Pacific must be melted down and poured over the bones of goats as to make the pyramid last for the length of time that it takes for plastic and goat bone to biodegrade back into a mutual state of perfect carbon, aka petroleum. Never stop building the Great Wall of Mexico unless you think a great wall is something that Donald Trump did. Donald Trumps wall was nowhere near 100ft tall and the tourists couldn't even walk across it while discovering the ancient relationship between haplogroup Q1 and haplogroup Q2 of the Americas. Long live the Conquerors and may Freedom always stand tall in Economics and Governance. The paradigm is just a dichotomy between false realities of mirrored existence in which nobody actually gives a flying donkey hole anymore. By the way, a donkey hole is similar to a well, except they are traditionally dug by farmers looking to create more wallow pits for their pork products. The donkey actually steps into the old pig wallows before noticing the unnatural terrain, thus breaking their fragile Achilles heel and without modern medical technology, the donkey would surely die in dark hole of the pigs. Trademark: F.T.P, FTP [FREE THE PEOPLE]