Klaus Schwab: "If I lose Canada,
Muh Great Reset is DEAD and so are we!"
As with Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting, watch ANY Chinese military, police or special forces movie released over the last decade and you will see reference to and fictional use of weather warfare.
In the 2015 hit Chinese action film "Wolf Warrior", the People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces General picks up a field radio and orders a monsoon-like micro storm over the retreating Western mercenary operators' escape route to prevent them from crossing the Chinese border.
Sure, you could call it pure fiction or a CCP misinfo psyop within the movie, but the nonchalant in which the General "orders up" the storm matches the way he called in Arty and close-in air support.
Wolf Warrior is not the only Chinese action movie which uses "weather warfare" and the use in the movie is very limited geographically. But we know that the major powers are constantly attempting to use macro weather patterns as a form of asymetrical economic warfare.
It is obvious that the Derp State had been using geoengineering and HAARP to keep the West Coast like a paradise 365 days a year and making the populated Northeast and North/South Central states hellish to live in during the winter with the relatively recent "polar vortexes" or "polar plunges" phenomena. It is all about redirecting the Jet Stream radically north BEFORE landfall on the West Coast, sending the heavy moisture laden Pacific air masses much farther north than they have efer been before.
So yes, weather warfare has been a part of the Globalist onslaught on the USA.
But back to human, child and organ trafficking. If you watch ALL movies coming out of Asia you will see that these crimes are now central to just about ALL plots. Very eye-opening.
Ask yourselves, why don't we see ANY such plot elements coming out of Pedowood??
Keep sleeping normies.
*Pacfic air masses are massively seeded with chemtrails high in the ionosphere. The Alaskan and SW HAARP arrays are used to send high-power radio frequency waves operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. "Ionospheric Heaters". Heating the Ionosphere so radically sends the moisture laden fronts upwards and north and detouring the entire Jet Stream keeping it high and frigid until it plummets back south resulting in those insufferable miserable winters in the middle south and northeast states.
This CUNT is the NUMBER ONE cause of why are children have been attacked physically, mentally and emotionally in our schools. Her army of rabid female libnazis is Legion.
The same way it didn't in Afghanistan.
Every single faceless rat bastid bureaucrat involved in this and every other "approval cycle" at the FDA MUST BE DOXXED for the upcoming Nuremburg 2.0 Trials.
She's the "Ethics Officer" at the FDA. She looks like Peter Sellers' wheelchair-bound Dr. Strangeglove character.. Photochop, anyone?
Get ready to lay those trailers FLAT on their sides across key streets.