It's impossible to be in heaven, partying with your 'family' for enternity, while simultaneously returning to the mortal realm as a completely different person living a different life with a different family, only to die again, to go to "heaven" for eternity with a different family.
Circular logic/reasoning. We are mortals. We live. We die. That's it.
The law of conservation of matter keeps our dusty remains as part of the earth. Perhaps some of those remains can be taken up by a plant, to b3 consumed by a live being, but that being doesn't become the 'soul' which shed those dusty particles. Dust is forever. Life is transient.
The boogeyman is gonna get you. Keep clutching your pearls, Karen.
Obama is Muslim
Biden is Catholic
Fauci is Catholic
Pence is Catholic/Protestant
Barr is Catholic
Sure, lets blame the Jews though.
They're all the same, fundamentally, followers of the Abrahamic religions.
I'm clear about their "God". Was a bit of a shock at first, then I realized it's all made up. Like the Iwo Jima photoโฆstaged for 'effect'.
Trudeau is a Catholic/Muslim
POV: "I agree with it" = God's work. "I disagree" = Satan
They want you divided by Religion
Agenda? There is no "right" religion. They all equally suck.
My field of fucks is barren. Your rage farming is insufficient to cause even a single fuck to sprout.
The top owner of Spotify owns Moderna. Now the Joe Rogan outrage makes sense.
Protestant vs Catholic
Catholic vs Jew
Jew vs Muslim
Muslim vs Protestant
Religious wars have kept us divided for millenia to ensure the sheep keep minding and paying "The King".