Name, Rank, Service Number
Name, Rank, Service Number
We're in the Pipe B
Hold the Line
Never Give Up
Stay in the Light
Save the Children
Enough is Enough
Flying A Canadian Flag will become Illegal
"Make Me"
Thank you God for another Day
I Am Grateful to Be here
Everyday is a Bonus
Everyday is Beautiful
Everyday is another Chance to Save more Children
Thank you God
I Bless you
May everything work to your favor
Join the Festival!
Answer the call!
"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me to do."
[y]ou held them down
[y]ou scared the shit of of them
[y]ou're not in power anymore
Those that wanted to be Heard
Will now be Heard
The People have the Power now & There's nothing [y]ou can do to stop them.
Freedom Fighters
Never. Give. Up.
The[y] have no power over you
You are Free
God Bless the Truckers
TD Canada Trust just committed Suicide
Find a Credit Union and make the Switch
Intimidation = Encouragement
That's nice