These foos got Bread to
Daily Bread at that but thats just what they say
connected to what looks like fake funeral homes
These foos got Bread to
Daily Bread at that but thats just what they say
connected to what looks like fake funeral homes
out of the blue I decide to come back to drop in a post…2 min in and probably 2 seconds but not counting and I sees iits like the old days…
has it been like this?
dropped in from time to time….have not felt this vibe….
is this just an illusion?
Oh One of my favs….yalls making me misties….which you niggahs choppin onions???
like the infinity symbol or an 8 sideways…8 bit…shakes spear
shakes spear just added to anon movie…reference fot thosr who…seen it(insert black dude)
full circle time
ogh man…feelks good vcoming back but knowing now who you are
Biggest Trafficking Day…I Hope they where not ecpecting US
I dont even know what to say
ilkl be back homos….gotta take shower and cry some out….lots a feels that i did not expect coming back…..specially knowing now all i knows…they couldnt break us
…..still holding that line
I live near Vincent Thomas Bridge…LA Port…..there where traffic issues on 110 freeway that meads into port…overturned truck…next day Navy Posts about Hitchcock using footafe from WW2 in a movie…basically im saying…yall know about possibility of saboteurs mixing in with friendlies helping truckers with gas?