Anonymous ID: 93eecb Feb. 11, 2022, 5:39 p.m. No.15606090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6111 >>6206 >>6226 >>6308 >>6372 >>6429 >>6573 >>6641 >>6664

Signs seen during protests

__ We are the fringe majority

__ Stop world control

__ Censorship is strong - big tech, big pharma, big media, big assholes

__ I wonder how long we have to go before we reach "herd intelligence"

__ Side effects include DEATH (pic of needle)

__ Nurses 2020 from heroes to 2021 zeros

__ Stop globalism. Keep Canada free.

__ True North strong and free

__ fight or starve

__ the only risk to children is the vaccine

__ the honking will continue until policy improves

__ book: the real anthony fauci

__ join us, stop the great reset

__ coercion is not consent

breathe free, masks don't work – tiny__url. com/mask-facts-rancourt

__ does not immunize nor prevent transmission, what's it for?

__ no vax pass

__ not safe, not effective

__ no lies, no lockdown

__ if the virus is scary, do you want to find out what's really going on?

__ end all mandates

__ hey pfizer, leave our kids alone

__ honest journalism is dead ; defund CBC lying by omission

__ Truth! freedom to choose

__ the truth variant is here

__ truck frudeau

__ mandate freedom

__ unity & freedom

__ children are not lab rats, neither are you - wake up!

__ where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom

__ quantum dot vaccinations will use luciferase as the active ingredient

bill gates is not your friend

__ never trust trudeau with your health

__ trudeau, lies, cover-ups, 8 ethic violations

__ leave them kids alone

__ they said, "we won't make you take the jab to keep your job"

__ where there is risk, there must be choice

__ don't punish our troops

__ freedom over fear

__ Dr. Robert Malone, inventor & Nobel Prize winner of the MRNA vaccine

– it is extremely dangerous; permanent damage to brain, heart,

nervous & reproductive system

and most importantly to your immune system

__ wanted: 5 to 11 year olds to test experimental drug

__ PPT party

__ since when is FREEDOM an unacceptable view

__ freedom of conscience

__ farmers grow it, truckers move it

__ save the children

__ let's go brandeau

__ freedom over fear

__ truck trudeau right 2 gitmo 4 treason

__ freedom and courage are more contagious than covid

__ the secret of happiness is freedom; the secret of freedom is courage

__ i refuse to live in fear

__ vaxxed no more

__ honk is the new normal

__ defund the media

__ fear is a reaction; courage is a decision

__ don't use granny to invoke your tyranny

Anonymous ID: 93eecb Feb. 11, 2022, 5:49 p.m. No.15606206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6229 >>6429 >>6573 >>6641 >>6664



livestream via YT channel Marcel Irnie


Penticton BC feb 6 Penticton4Freedom Action4Canada


@20:00 begins talking to a guy "Scott" running for city council

also at 25:25 he is at the mic saying this

and he talks about a parallel society,

using bitcoin to control "behavior credits"

says "pay in cash;" "it's all out there, part of the great reset"

every move you make now is part of the future;

what you buy and do

Anonymous ID: 93eecb Feb. 11, 2022, 6:09 p.m. No.15606372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6486 >>6573 >>6641 >>6664


news conference of truckers representatives and doctors

doctors are asking to see the documents that justify vaccine mandates


@12:15 Maxime Bernier, leader of the PPC party of (Canada? )


"Today… I want to talk about the importance of healing the growing and dangerous rift in our society. When a group of people feel that they are being systemically disadvantaged, they can either suffer in silence or organize to protest.


In a democratic society, legitimate protest is a safety valve. Its purpose is to alert everyone that there is a fundamental social

problem to address through peaceful means instead of violence.


Over the past years, the Prime Minister has shown understanding and support for protests by various groups including indigenous opponents of pipelines, Black Lives Matter, and even farmers in India. The BLM organization is run by self-described communists. And BLM demonstrations

in the summer of 2020 led to rioting, arson, destruction, and physical injuries in many North American cities. And yet, Mr. Trudeau went to kneel at one such demonstration here in Ottawa. And the media covered it as a legitimate protest.


In contrast, Mr. Trudeau has been nothing but vicious and vindictive in his attacks against opponents of Covid mandates and restrictions… in general, and against the Truckers Convoy in particular… even though

they have been entirely peaceful and non-violent. Instead of listening to, and trying to understand these Canadians, and adopt his policies in order to avoid creating a larger rift in our society, the Prime Minister has

demonized them. Since the last fall election, he has adopted even more repressive measures to marginalized them and crush all disedence.


Yesterday, one of his own MPs said his government's policies on Covid have been politicized and divisive, and that they unfairly stigmatized some Canadians.


As for the mainstream media… they are becoming nothing less than the propaganda arm of the government. I have never… never… in all my life seen so many outright lies, distortion, and disinformation in the media especially when it comes to reporting what's going on here in Ottawa.


A peaceful democratic society cannot function properly without trust.


Now, a large and growing minority of Canadians have lost trust in our government, in our institutions, in our media. They feel like they are being treated as enemies of society… subhumans. These people won't be going away and won't stop protesting.


So… you, in federal and provencial

governments… and you, in the media… have a choice. You can either double-down on the demonization and repression… which will only widen the social rift and lead to further protests and chaos… or you can de-escalate.


Covid measures are quickly being abandoned in other countries and in some of our provinces here in Canada. The Prime Minister can put an end to this crisis today. He should announce that he will eliminate all

mandates and restrictions and that he will focus his efforts on working with provinces to (protect most of amenable?) Canadians, while respecting everyone's rights and freedoms.


Be a statesman, Mr. Trudeau. Stop widening the rift in our society. End this crisis now.