Signs seen during protests
__ We are the fringe majority
__ Stop world control
__ Censorship is strong - big tech, big pharma, big media, big assholes
__ I wonder how long we have to go before we reach "herd intelligence"
__ Side effects include DEATH (pic of needle)
__ Nurses 2020 from heroes to 2021 zeros
__ Stop globalism. Keep Canada free.
__ True North strong and free
__ fight or starve
__ the only risk to children is the vaccine
__ the honking will continue until policy improves
__ book: the real anthony fauci
__ join us, stop the great reset
__ coercion is not consent
breathe free, masks don't work – tiny__url. com/mask-facts-rancourt
__ does not immunize nor prevent transmission, what's it for?
__ no vax pass
__ not safe, not effective
__ no lies, no lockdown
__ if the virus is scary, do you want to find out what's really going on?
__ end all mandates
__ hey pfizer, leave our kids alone
__ honest journalism is dead ; defund CBC lying by omission
__ Truth! freedom to choose
__ the truth variant is here
__ truck frudeau
__ mandate freedom
__ unity & freedom
__ children are not lab rats, neither are you - wake up!
__ where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
__ quantum dot vaccinations will use luciferase as the active ingredient
bill gates is not your friend
__ never trust trudeau with your health
__ trudeau, lies, cover-ups, 8 ethic violations
__ leave them kids alone
__ they said, "we won't make you take the jab to keep your job"
__ where there is risk, there must be choice
__ don't punish our troops
__ freedom over fear
__ Dr. Robert Malone, inventor & Nobel Prize winner of the MRNA vaccine
– it is extremely dangerous; permanent damage to brain, heart,
nervous & reproductive system
and most importantly to your immune system
__ wanted: 5 to 11 year olds to test experimental drug
__ PPT party
__ since when is FREEDOM an unacceptable view
__ freedom of conscience
__ farmers grow it, truckers move it
__ save the children
__ let's go brandeau
__ freedom over fear
__ truck trudeau right 2 gitmo 4 treason
__ freedom and courage are more contagious than covid
__ the secret of happiness is freedom; the secret of freedom is courage
__ i refuse to live in fear
__ vaxxed no more
__ honk is the new normal
__ defund the media
__ fear is a reaction; courage is a decision
__ don't use granny to invoke your tyranny