Oh goody, now anybody can take down the Army with an EMP. Just a reminder kiddos, our nuclear hardened equipment, referring to EMP, all failed in testing. Once you understand the true power of an EMP pulse, you know not even the physical ground itself will protect you.
Well, so far I've lost my best friend, 3 uncles (the third was yesterday and he was a pilot) 2 aunts and my father has the swelling around his heart. My spouse has three women in her office with heart issues. All of these people didn't listen and got their vax/boosters.
I know ZERO persons who got sick or even died from Covid still to this day.
People tell me I turned out okay, I have to remind them I wasn't home-schooled till I was a sophomore. I promise you, it does make a difference, some kids turn out flippin' weird as shit.
Shazam came up with "The Road To Baghdad" by Didula