People are gonna get mad.
>>15606823 (me)
BLM and Antifa are drop in the ocean compared to righteous citizens getting mad.
>People will provoke you until they bring out your ugly side, then play the victim when you go there.
Sorry you fucked with me even after 3 polite warnings not to.
Fuckin' Large Marge!
What percentage of vehicles are semis? How effective were they? How many people have cars? If everybody went somewhere or multiple locations at the same time, everything stops. Could to geurilla. Go to these 5 locations for 2 hours then go home. Everyday. Every city. It's not illegal to drive on the roads. Creativity on locations. Every day. Everybody.
T minus Truth Social
Rembemer when the government/news gave the normies a bunch of agument points and asked them to push them to their families at Thanksgiving?
Do we have to do that for normies?
Here's why you're a total faggot. Here's the things you need to know and do to no longer be a faggot.
POTUS is the baiting and precedent setting chess master. Greatest of All Time. And patient enough to wait to reap what he's sown. (Cool guy. Doesn't return calls.)
Make like a Candian and leaf.
Toots is the big homie!
Just imagine for a second how bad Toots would fuck you up in a fight. #TootsAintDead
If Toots wins, we all win.
Eyes on the prize. What a winner.
Toots overcame adversity.