thanks anons
the superbowl taught me that inglewood is spelled inglewood and not engelwood
i did know that however
public class stealMeme() {
dankMeme = 0;
while(dankMeme < 8) {
if(meme == dank) {
} else {
System.out.println("fake and gay");
i also heard that they sacked DC at one point
not sure if that was true but it was badass regardless
those arcturian eyes tho
how are they still paying you to push this
actual intelligence can find common ground and communicate with many different types of people
the idea that you can only communicate with anons is just a projection of your insecurity
why are you people the way that you are
it just makes me sad that you stupid fucking youtube grifters established a base of operations here
guess that means it's time for some to move on
i mean honestly, if your sole contribution to the human race is youtube or twitch you should an hero yesterday
why would i ever waste my time watching any of you stupid fucking hicks
i have one fucking night a week to relax and shitpost on here
that means roughly 3-4 hours a week
why in the absolute fuck would i spend a second of that time watching you fat fucking dipshits whine online in front of a webcam
i swear to god you people are mentally fucking retarded
because pissing you dumb fucks off is fun
the simple fact is that whenever anons take a break this place becomes a shill farm
you people never fight back unless an anon is here
and even then its delayed and limp
it hasnt changed in four fucking years
you honestly deserve your slavery