Anonymous ID: 3490f6 Feb. 12, 2022, 7:50 a.m. No.15609981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9993 >>0000 >>0007


That's because you're a shill who is trying desperately to trick everyone into believing that the false narratives about Jews and Christians are 'the true' narratives, such that anyone who disagrees is smeared and slandered.

Game over, division faggot.

Anonymous ID: 3490f6 Feb. 12, 2022, 8:10 a.m. No.15610130   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is the fake news' M.O.


They [knowingly] react to information that has not yet become open source from legal introduction in a court of law, by falsely stating that there exists no evidence and thus the true statement as 'baseless'.

This worked to trick enough people when information was in 'their' control, using laws of classified information to hide criminal activity, but those days are over.

Now they all lose.

Anonymous ID: 3490f6 Feb. 12, 2022, 8:29 a.m. No.15610262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0284


>I know what you think

No you don't, only I and God "knows" what I think, demon.

>but hurting or even annoying others is as bad as it ever was.

The information space is being cleansed by introducing into the narrative dark thoughts and ACTIONS that have for far too longed plagued humanity,

>and you being made to attack me should be proof of that.

YOU slander and smear an entire people based on race, or religion, or sex, or class, or political affiliation, and YOU then claim 'victimhood' for being attacked?

Go fuck yourself you hypocritical projecting shill.

>and honestly, are you really stupid enough that you think some tatoos and stuff like that would help you fight or hand over deamons / lost souls?

If the stories are so 'stupid', why do you and the satanic cult spend so much time, money, effort and resources into misdirecting the world away from them?

Truth is, what you consider to be your 'independent', 'external' assessment (smearing) of the stories, is really you projecting your own dependency on the people forgetting them, such that if they remember, your ancient dialectic code of introduced division FAILS.


God is not 'inherently' divisive or separated. The notion God is divided is an artificial contingent man made philosophy stemming ultimately from a self-alienated psychology and inability to reconcile the 'infinite' mind in the self, with the 'finite' mortal empirical body.

Some take this contingent philosophy to the extreme of pure negation, a HATRED, as the path towards 'freedom'.

So, the hatred of the self NOT being God has become a mythology of worship of 'icon' images like 'the beast'.

The smears of the stories is really a manifestation of an inability to reconcile the self up to total resentment of self for not being God, and then projecting the self-alienated psychology of self out into the world as if it was a description of reality and God.

Your division code has collapsed.

All you're doing now is showing only who you are, and nobody else.