Paris Livestream
VIDSTORM livestream in Ottawa
Kek, they can't stop Trump and he has already trampled a few of their dogs. Who is the musher though? Trudeau? No, a musher would be one who controls the dogs. Trudeau is just a dog himself. WHO is the musher?
I'll be watching the game. The Truckers vs The Satanists.
>Good vs Evil is a Zoroastrian concept
Is rape evil then? Child sacrifice? No? If you don't believe in morality, then that means those things are acceptable. You glow like the devil that owns you.
She's a little gatekeepy. Keep an eye on her anon.
NOTABLE There will be I told you sos.
I wouldn't be surprised if they are swapping children on that site. picrel
>The Ethiopian Christians have the original intact version. The romanized bible does have books removed that are born witness to by more than 2 witnesses in the canon. ie, Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, etc.
>88 books in the Ethiopic, 66 in KJV.
sorry, didn't mean to green text that