Anonymous ID: 5ce259 Feb. 12, 2022, 11:58 a.m. No.15611741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1875 >>1996 >>2060 >>2176




>(from lb Notables, #19740)

>>>15610798, >>15610703 Anon Videos nominated


>"are you suicidally drunk?" he asks?

>is this the weekend?

I liked this so much I wrote up a transcript. Enjoy!




You know I had a conversation with an old uh Army buddy of mine today, you know what we talked about? This is like, ah, this is like when uh Mom and Dad say it's time for bed.


You know, you can kick, you can scream, you can do whatever you want but, one way or another, it's bedtime, and you're going in that bed whether you like it or not.


And, uh, that's what this is.


Sorry government; uh, it's over. Everybody in that building, you're all guilty. You're all a bunch of malignant narcissists backed into a corner. They've all condemned the, the whole demonstration, the Conversative Party, the NDP, the Liberals, all of 'em. You know why? Because they know they're guilty! And they know they're going to be held to account for what they've done, and they will be. They absolutely will be.


They're so desperate, they're so desperate they're, they're talking about helicopters? (sputtering, mocking) "Well maybe we could get a helicopter to take them out of here!" Helicopters? What are you gonna use the, the the four Chinooks we might have in the entire Canadian forces and AIR-LIFT semi trucks out of the city, like what three, four at a time, it'd take you a month, are you drunk? ARE you ACTUALLY drunk? I think they might be. Lotta stress, stressful times, people tend to drink.


Police are comin', they're not comin'; they're comin', they're not comin'; the police don't wanna be doing this. You go down there you see them all the time, they're looking at their feet they feel disgusting. You're down there telling them the whole world is a bunch of terrorists and insurrectionists, all this kinda stuff, and they go down there you know what they see, they see good working, y'know good hard working Canadian people just trying to, y'know, stand up for themselves. Supporting each other. And it's the most beautiful thing I've, I've seen in this country's history. This is a, this is a national moment we're having right now. Right?


And you're gonna do what? You're gonna ask them to go in there and and what, tear gas women and children and families and (laughs) are you SUICIDALLY DRUNK? How much are you drinking right now?


It's over. Take the loss. There's, there's no way out of this for you. There's no way, and it spreads every eh, every day, every week that this goes on more and more people see what's going on, there's thousands of cell phone cameras down there. People are driving down, they're seeing it for themselves, and they're leaving with an entirely different impression than the one they came in with. And it's that YOU (points at camera), the state, the media, are lying because you are, and it's obvious it's on full display for the entire world! There's nothing you can do.


There's nothing you can do. What are you gonna do, you gonna break into these trucks? And move 'em one at a time? What, what are you doing? What are you gonna do? What's your plan? YOU DON'T HAVE ONE. And there's clearly a lot of confusion and dissention inside the police as well. They don't wanna be doing this, and in fact they don't know how to do it; none of the towing truck companies will help them. You're talking about helicopters now? (Laughs, palms forehead, rubs eyes.)


LISTEN. Government. It's time to go home, you're drunk. This ends, y'know, this, we all know how this is gonna end, you can either just ah, admit defeat, or drag this out and make yourselves look even more ridiculous day after day week after week. Just keep digging that hole, boys. Just keep digging it, more and more people are coming. There's even more people here than there's, there's been in the previous two, and THIS weekend, there's gonna be even more people than the last two.


And you know what more people means, it means more eyeballs, it means more STORIES. It means more video. It means more talking. It means more minds being changed. It's, it's done!


It's done. So if you want to be a malignant narcissist and get backed into your corner and kick and scream and flail, while daddy comes to pick you up and carry you up the stairs, REEEEEEEE!!!!, you, you do that if you want. You kick and scream the whole way home. But, ah, y'know? You had a good run. But it's bedtime now.

Anonymous ID: 5ce259 Feb. 12, 2022, 12:01 p.m. No.15611752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1800 >>1996 >>2060 >>2176




>(from lb Notables, #19740)

>>15610798, >>15610703 Anon Videos nominated


>"are you suicidally drunk?" he asks?

>is this the weekend?

(try again, with video; and fix errant extra ">" above)


I liked this so much I wrote up a transcript. Enjoy!




You know I had a conversation with an old uh Army buddy of mine today, you know what we talked about? This is like, ah, this is like when uh Mom and Dad say it's time for bed.


You know, you can kick, you can scream, you can do whatever you want but, one way or another, it's bedtime, and you're going in that bed whether you like it or not.


And, uh, that's what this is.


Sorry government; uh, it's over. Everybody in that building, you're all guilty. You're all a bunch of malignant narcissists backed into a corner. They've all condemned the, the whole demonstration, the Conversative Party, the NDP, the Liberals, all of 'em. You know why? Because they know they're guilty! And they know they're going to be held to account for what they've done, and they will be. They absolutely will be.


They're so desperate, they're so desperate they're, they're talking about helicopters? (sputtering, mocking) "Well maybe we could get a helicopter to take them out of here!" Helicopters? What are you gonna use the, the the four Chinooks we might have in the entire Canadian forces and AIR-LIFT semi trucks out of the city, like what three, four at a time, it'd take you a month, are you drunk? ARE you ACTUALLY drunk? I think they might be. Lotta stress, stressful times, people tend to drink.


Police are comin', they're not comin'; they're comin', they're not comin'; the police don't wanna be doing this. You go down there you see them all the time, they're looking at their feet they feel disgusting. You're down there telling them the whole world is a bunch of terrorists and insurrectionists, all this kinda stuff, and they go down there you know what they see, they see good working, y'know good hard working Canadian people just trying to, y'know, stand up for themselves. Supporting each other. And it's the most beautiful thing I've, I've seen in this country's history. This is a, this is a national moment we're having right now. Right?


And you're gonna do what? You're gonna ask them to go in there and and what, tear gas women and children and families and (laughs) are you SUICIDALLY DRUNK? How much are you drinking right now?


It's over. Take the loss. There's, there's no way out of this for you. There's no way, and it spreads every eh, every day, every week that this goes on more and more people see what's going on, there's thousands of cell phone cameras down there. People are driving down, they're seeing it for themselves, and they're leaving with an entirely different impression than the one they came in with. And it's that YOU (points at camera), the state, the media, are lying because you are, and it's obvious it's on full display for the entire world! There's nothing you can do.


There's nothing you can do. What are you gonna do, you gonna break into these trucks? And move 'em one at a time? What, what are you doing? What are you gonna do? What's your plan? YOU DON'T HAVE ONE. And there's clearly a lot of confusion and dissention inside the police as well. They don't wanna be doing this, and in fact they don't know how to do it; none of the towing truck companies will help them. You're talking about helicopters now? (Laughs, palms forehead, rubs eyes.)


LISTEN. Government. It's time to go home, you're drunk. This ends, y'know, this, we all know how this is gonna end, you can either just ah, admit defeat, or drag this out and make yourselves look even more ridiculous day after day week after week. Just keep digging that hole, boys. Just keep digging it, more and more people are coming. There's even more people here than there's, there's been in the previous two, and THIS weekend, there's gonna be even more people than the last two.


And you know what more people means, it means more eyeballs, it means more STORIES. It means more video. It means more talking. It means more minds being changed. It's, it's done!


It's done. So if you want to be a malignant narcissist and get backed into your corner and kick and scream and flail, while daddy comes to pick you up and carry you up the stairs, REEEEEEEE!!!!, you, you do that if you want. You kick and scream the whole way home. But, ah, y'know? You had a good run. But it's bedtime now.

Anonymous ID: 5ce259 Feb. 12, 2022, 12:15 p.m. No.15611845   🗄️.is 🔗kun







>Am making this for you anon (and to make it easier for me to learn it; have wanted to do this for a few weeks). Thank you for the motivation to learn how to do this - transform strip in Blender, plus some scaling. Oh and GIMP to make the bottom part; and, Flameshot to get the keys image, originally.

>Render will take a bit want this to be in this bread, will post entire when done.

Shadilay folks!

Finished the render, while typing up that transcript. :)

First attempt the letters at the bottom were opaque.

Now the entire key still lights up, and the letters help you map your fingers to the keyboard/piano. One fix I could make is to remove the letters at the end (I faded them in, on the second attempt, but hadn't seen that; will post first.)

Hope this helps, it's already helping me solidify the mapping, really awesome and I can do this to others as well now! Skill is greater than thing. Anyway.

God bless in Jesus name.


Full HD is 64.7 mb, so on catbox; reduced it for upload:

Anonymous ID: 5ce259 Feb. 12, 2022, 12:36 p.m. No.15611996   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Suggest changing notable for:


>>15611741 Anon liked this so much anon wrote up a transcript. Enjoy! -pb vid-




>>15611752 Anon liked this so much anon wrote up a transcript. Enjoy! -pb vid-


(I added the video as well; kept the transcript, and also fixed an extra ">" so link to other video worked again.)

Anonymous ID: 5ce259 Feb. 12, 2022, 12:43 p.m. No.15612027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15611913 >>15611928 >>15611934




>Ummm… I JUST started looking into this family & the history of that bridge etc etc and HOLY SHIT.

>I think they are going to 9/11 it. For Insurance purposes. There is a new Bridge already being built to replace it that's owned by Canada.

>But I am an idiot & a conspiracy theorist. But seriously, holy shit. I got chills when I read the part about Canada building a new bridge a little ways away from this Billionaire family owned bridge


Get the word out, don't be ON THE bridges, block them from the land.




Anonymous ID: 5ce259 Feb. 12, 2022, 12:53 p.m. No.15612094   🗄️.is 🔗kun





<There is an actual troll who own Ambassador Bridge, Matt Moroun (srsly?)and he's hair-tearing, air-biting, fly snapping mad

>Name reminds anon of picrel as well

also Bugs Bunny's "what a maroon!"