Glad Don Jr. Pinned this.
Everyone who needs unlimited, especially texting, needs to see his message.
(Own goog-free mobile phone is on an MNVO which isn't affiliated with either ATT, TM, DISH, or Commiecast.)
Gladder that Our President has brought attention to that fact that OAN is even more suppressed than it already was, though. Nobody else of high-profile certainly hasn't throughout these past 6+ years. They're on FAUX!
Knew years ago how terrible AT&T was, therefore actually warned other people. Same with CommieCast & "Xfinity". CommieCast is cheaper than its main alternative, so most choose it. People here don't give a shit about OAN.
Those of us who have been boycotting Communist conglomerates since even before POTUS ran in '16 probably resent those on our "side" who rolled over and LET all this crap happen - and continue to do so because they can't live without their crap entertainment - such as faux, and especially Hunter's Boyfriend.