Anonymous ID: 68af1c May 27, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.1562193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2280

Look deeply into the eyes of this man…this is what evil looks like.


The cabal has tightened its grip on Italy. They will do all they can to derail the newly elected government. Apparently, even presidents can be bought, and this Italian president got strict orders from his Rothchild handlers not to allow the new populist government to move forward. He is doing everything he can.


They were going to start with mass deportations of 500,000 migrants from Italy. And they were going to move the country further to the right and away from the grip of the evil EU. Already, the Rothschild banks in Europe were freaking out about a possible return to the Lira. How ever would the Rothschilds continue to enslave the people of Italy if the new government told them to fuck off and triggered yet another Article 50? What would happen to their precious EU if another big country backs out?


The Italians are learning now that it will not be easy for them to escape. Massive riots planned for tomorrow. I hope they do it. Its time the people stood up and did something to stop the fuckery that the EU is doing to them and their countries. Italy finally now has a government that is listening to the voice of the people. They need to drag Sergio out into the streets, cut his balls off, and stone him to death for his treason.


EYES ON Italy. Something big is about to break there. Conte suddenly resigned as Prime Minister. If they manage to impeach Matarella there will be likely be new elections and this would be a bad omen for the EU.


I'm expecting some major false flags from the cabal in Europe in the near future—particularly in Italy. Watch for it!





Anonymous ID: 68af1c May 27, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.1562370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hoisted by his own petard?


Remember Guitar pick face's recent call for a boycott of Publix? Well it all blew up nicely in his face.


Publix blinked and pulled funding for the NRA-backed political candidate. AND Publix also decided to that to be fair it would also no longer give money to liberal political groups either—Planned Parenthood, Environmental preservation groups, and gay marriage groups.


Hogg is clearly not a very bright fella. He's very impulsive but obviously doesn't think things all the way through. The more he keeps running his mouth the more he defeats his own cause. He's too stupid to ever figure it out, but he's working for us now.


Go, Hogg!

