Anonymous ID: b67f82 May 27, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.1561880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1887 >>1897 >>1903 >>1913 >>1919 >>1940 >>1959 >>1962 >>1983 >>2225 >>2341 >>2398


I am trying to say Trump isn't what everybody thinks. But you are all in too deep to see it. So you will discover it the hard painful way like all the other presidents. You really think after all these years it is WikiLeaks whom has changed or turned? The have proven their loyalty and who's side they are on.


Trump loved Hillary in 2008.

Trump was a reality STAR.

Trump filed for bankruptcy how many times? Now a billionaire. How many normal peollw have you encountered in life thst file and become rich.

He was on Epsteins plane. Of course they invited a totally straight by the book loud mouth to their pedo party.


What the hell are you all thinking?

Anonymous ID: b67f82 May 27, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.1562037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2254



What's not true?


He was a reality t.v STAR.

He did file bankruptcy.

Theee are tonnes of videos with his head in Hillary's ass.

And everybody knows he was on the island.


Sooooo….what the fuck are you talking about? Have you really convinced yourself into oblivion? Why do you think these peeps get so pissed?


It's true. And it defiles their narrative.


Cognitive Dissonance.

Anonymous ID: b67f82 May 27, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.1562282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Usually when they are crying it's for a reason.






Solving those issues babies sleep great. Mostly it's gas and incorrect breat feeding. You see when a mother nurses there are two kind s of milk foremilk and hindmilk. Mothers aren't taught this. They are taught to a witch breasts too soon.


If a baby gets to much foremilk they get severe gas and green frothy poops. Foremilk is more watery and sugary. It quenches the thrist. This is why they suckle quicker and do the butterfly flutter on the nipple.


After that the hindmilk comes. It is thicker and creamy and more filling. Their suckling slows down to deeper slower sucks.


This is why most babies cry and have gas.


So no. Don't let them cry themselves to sleep. If they are crying they are trying to communicate something to you.

Anonymous ID: b67f82 May 27, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.1562405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because. There are three factions. Sometimes 2 of them play nice and other times they fight. Especially over territory. Trump beat out the faction that has been in power for a very long time. They defiantly didn't think his faction would win. But it did. And now you get a very clear picture who is on which side.


The only problem. People don't know this. It's ot enjoyable to sit here and be the one to say it. People have a lot of hope in Trump. People need hope. Every election.


But it's always the same bullshit. Trump hasn't don anything different.


They are still bombing.

They are still pushing regime change.

The healthcare still sucks.

People are still broke.

There are more shootings and attacks.


Nothing has changed. Convincing yourself other wise just leave you catching up and not understanding who the players are.


He still visited Saudi Arabia first.

He moved the embassy.

He's with Israel.


I mean. Come on guys.