The centerpiece and crowning achievement of Christianity. The State can murder anyone, even God. All hail the totalitarian power to kill.
Marsha Blackburn is a bought and paid for shill for Big Pharma. She neutered the DEA's ability to intervene in the Opioid Crisis and stop the Sackler family from cashing in on the misery they created in America.
WWJD? KYS faggot.
Jesus's brother, James.
You said Jesus comitted suicide, so that's what Jesus would do.
It'll never end until we round up and kill all the heretics! Kill, kill, kill. In the name of God, kill them until they're all dead, and then find or make some more heretics! THEY MUST BELIVE OR DIE FOR THEIR SINS! Show them the cross! This is what happens to sinners! We must cleanse the world through torture and blood!
No, you're being mocked for worshipping the State created fiction, and using a device of torture and State sanctioned murder of innocents as an idol.
Just Stahp.