couple of more examples.
people having their dogs shit right on the spot where I usually smoke cigarettes, they do it willingly. they know.
people waiting at a certain spot, like on the street or in a supermarket, and starting to move on right when I pass, stepping into my way so I have to either wait or go around them, they do it willingly, they know.
people who wait in their car, until I pass by and in that moment drive a way with way to much gas (in Germany you drive manual transmission usually) in a car that was just started on a cold morning, making me stay in the exhaust fumes, they do it willingly. they know.
they are being told different reasons as to why this would be important. some are being told this would drive timelines, some are being told it would make me dominate them by being pissed off, some are being told they would by that alter my mood and that this would be of utmost importance for some other bs explanation. some are being told this would alter ww weather and that some regularly appearing weather events would be proof of it. don´t they see that by that I could and would be blamed for every turnado happening?
and re timelines and such, seriously, do you really think me, the one true living God which is holy and perfect in every way would need your help - a help that only is an attack?
you don´t think that. you know.
it´s all a lie. while some of it having some truth to it, it´s twisted and turned into bs. the only effect it has: it pisses me off, they try to break me, the only bridge and the only way there is.
they have always been lied to. and they don´t even stop following lies and bs orders when they were told different explanations why they really really would have to keep pissing me off.
another example. I bought a charging plug for my mobile, and after few days of usage it is broken. sure, things like that happen. but they do not happen over and over again without someone intending to do so.
and this someone is not the devil. this someone is a mason who, as all other mason bees, follows orders to the second, being a total slave, and e.g. making a tiny mistake intentionally that is known to make my device break.
maybe just imagine what could be done if you were to not attack me all day long, but, would use that to "explain to others" that certain things, whether political stuff or crime, is just not what you, not what I would like to see.
while not liking secrecy much, believe me, the world would be turned in no time if you were to do to certain others what you would do to my, obviously as per my command and as per my command only.
and, in that case you would not even have to lie, in that case it really is God who is showing some guy that his way of life and behaviour is not appreciated much.