>>15617760 (/lb)
>OIG is fucked
That's a FAKE NEWS smear hit piece to discredit the OIG.
Anons have seen this on repeat.
The OIG did not have the full access to the information, so any HONEST consistent investigation outcome from the OIG, when compared to Durham who has a much GREATER access to information, if worse crimes are NOT in the findings, THAT IS NOT 'EVIDENCE' OF OIG FLAW OR GUILT IN CONSCIENCE.
Ask yourself WHY is it that the information access rights of the OIG extended only as far as it did, and ask what REALLY motivated Durham to say he disagrees with some parts of OIG findings.
When you have access to more information than another, if you end up disagreeing with the person who has less access, it's not because they withheld the information from you, it's because they themselves didn't have the access!
The OIG's findings resonate with Anons and the People everywhere who are behind information firewalls while needing to make decisions.
Horowitz isn't 'fucked'.
You and your fake news smearing scam artists are fucked.
Hope the money was worth it assholes