Anonymous ID: 4552fe Feb. 13, 2022, 11:15 a.m. No.15618624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christian disability assessor who was sacked by the DWP for refusing to call transgender woman 'she' takes fight to High Court - insisting his faith means he should not be forced to address a 6ft bearded man as 'madam'


Dr David Mackereth from Dudley accused DWP of unlawfully sacking him in 2018

Tribunal upheld decision and said his views as 'incompatible with human dignity'

Dr Mackereth's lawyers will take case to the High Court to appeal against ruling

They believe Maya Forstater case last year sets precedent that protects his views

Anonymous ID: 4552fe Feb. 13, 2022, 11:16 a.m. No.15618643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9025 >>9135 >>9210 >>9291 >>9346 >>9355 >>9364

Corrupt Judges and Elected Politicians in Lockstep with Covid Mandate. A Power-Grab at Levels Never Before Seen in the History of the World?


In Canada too, judges tend to be creatures of politics but in ways less obvious than the elected judges of the United States. All Canadian judges derive their positions from selection processes led by elected officials. In the current climate, this process of judicial appointment seems to make the Canadian judiciary more prone to go along with government initiatives done in the name of fighting COVID-19.


For whatever reasons, judges have not been inclined to look diligently into the extensive data amassed by some litigants alleging that governments have misrepresented the true facts of the matter.


They have not seriously investigated the arguments that the aggressive restrictions on civil liberties have been completely disproportionate with the actual scale of the supposed medical emergency. Judges have not been diligent in following evidence-based science. Instead of doing due diligence, most judicial arbiters of the restrictions done in the name of emergency measures in Canada have been content to accept at face value government rationales for government policies and actions.


The fact that virtually all elected officials in the Canadian Parliament are virtually in lockstep on COVID policies, is increasing the pressure felt by magistrates to join the government consensus. This judicial failure of independent arbitration has added to the failure by leading figures in the media and academia to provide the necessary checks and balances to reign in government malfeasance just at the time when such correctives are needed the most.


It is fair to question what is going on behind-the-scenes when all of society’s most powerful agencies, including the Canadian judiciary, have coalesced so tightly in support of such a nonsensical agenda. In today’s world the evidence has become overwhelming that bribery, extortion and blackmail figure prominently in the exercise of power. This propensity is especially prominent in places where the concentration of influence and wealth is most pronounced.


The wheels of deception and repression are especially well greased in the manufacturing of this COVID crisis. The evidence is overwhelming that huge flows of black budget money have been circulating. It can easily be surmised that much of it is ending up in the pockets of politicians, public health officials, medical mafioso, union personnel, jurists, professors, and other so-called “public intellectuals.


The money is changing hands as payments for echoing and implementing the talking points stated by the likes of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and their huge entourages of lawyers, fixers, enforcers, spin doctors, and creative accountants. The money is being used to mount the theatrics of political manipulation in venues that once upheld enlightened principles and practices of public health.


In concluding the essay where the co-authors outline some of the financial aspects of the COVID scam being pressed upon us, Dr. Elizabeth Vliet and Ali Shultz explain,


“Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life.”

Anonymous ID: 4552fe Feb. 13, 2022, 11:19 a.m. No.15618667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8742 >>8765 >>9025 >>9135 >>9210 >>9291 >>9346 >>9355 >>9364

Liz Cheney’s Husband is Partner at Latham & Watkins Which Works on Behalf of Companies Linked to China’s Military and Individuals Connected to Spying on President Trump


How can this be? Liz Cheney’s husband is a partner at Latham & Watkins. This firm has represented companies connected to China’s military. This same firm yesterday was identified as having clients connected to the spying on the Trump White House.


Liz Cheney appears to be the real leader of the effort to punish President Trump and those who supported him on Jan 6 in protest of the stolen 2020 Election. Now we find out her husband is a partner at a law firm whose clients are companies connected to the China military and the same firm with connections to individuals who were spying on the Trump White House.


John Solomon reported at Just the News on the company where Cheney’s husband is a partner.


Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) called on the U.S. to stand up to the “generational threat” posed by China while unveiling a major report on Beijing’s “malign behavior” at the same time her husband’s law firm was working on behalf of companies linked to China’s military, intelligence, and security services.


As Cheney stood at the podium, her husband Philip Perry’s law firm was cashing in on legal and lobbying work that his employer — Latham & Watkins (LW), one of the largest law firms in the world — was doing for a host of Chinese companies, some of which were involved in the kind of activity that Cheney was warning had to be stopped.


All of LW’s work discussed in this article was legal, and Perry didn’t work directly on these accounts. But as a partner at the firm, he benefits and profits from all its work.


Perry’s firm’s work for Chinese entities and countries whose human rights abuses and authoritarian rule have troubled the U.S. for years seems to conflict with his wife’s frequent calls for America to stand up to autocratic regimes like China. The dynamic is one familiar to longtime observers of Washington, D.C.: a power couple calling out the very behavior from which they benefit.

Anonymous ID: 4552fe Feb. 13, 2022, 11:31 a.m. No.15618740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Climate warrior Zali Steggall failed to declare six-figure donation from family trust of coal investor


Climate and integrity crusading independent federal MP Zali Steggall failed to disclose a six-figure political donation from the family trust of a multimillionaire coal investor, who is accused of tax fraud, for almost two years, an audit of her campaign financing has found.


An Australian Electoral Commission compliance review into Warringah Independent Ltd’s 2018-19 disclosures uncovered that a $100,000 cheque from The Kinghorn Family Trust, headed by prominent businessman John Kinghorn, had not been made public even though it exceeded the disclosure threshold.


Mr Kinghorn, founder of RAMS Home Loans, is facing charges over allegedly avoiding more than $30 million in tax and could face up to a decade in jail if found guilty. He has pleaded not guilty. The 80-year-old is a former investor and director of Cascade Coal and Felix Resources, which was sold to China’s Yanzhou Coal for $3.5 billion in 2009.


The AEC report, completed in February last year, found donations exceeding the $13,800 threshold were under-disclosed in Warringah Independent Ltd’s public returns. The full amount of the Kinghorn donation had been split into eight separate donations of $12,500 from Kinghorn family members, each of them falling under the minimum amount required to be disclosed.


The practice of donation splitting, when payments are divided into smaller amounts so that large payments can be concealed under the threshold, has been widely condemned by transparency advocates and donation reform campaigns such as GetUp, a strong supporter of Ms Steggall.


At the time, the financial controller of the fundraising entity was Damien Hodgkinson, who is now a director and shareholder of Climate 200 Pty Ltd, the campaign led by Simon Holmes a Court to fund climate-focused independents across the country.


The $100,000 pledge was the largest single donation of Ms Steggall’s campaign to oust former prime minister Tony Abbott from the blue-ribbon seat of Warringah, amounting to 9 per cent of the more than $1.1 million that was raised from several wealthy constituents and hundreds of community members.

Anonymous ID: 4552fe Feb. 13, 2022, 11:40 a.m. No.15618781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pay or Burn: An Italian Mafia’s Message to Businesses==


A southern Italian province thought it had the local mafia on the run. Now the mob is fighting back, with a wave of arson and bomb attacks.


FOGGIA—On a November morning, Gianpaolo Romano found an unsigned letter under the glass entrance of his car showroom in this south Italian province known for its pristine beaches, vast tomato fields and, these days, a ruthless local mafia.

The message said he had to pay €250,000, equivalent to $286,000, to be safe. It didn’t say to whom he had to pay the pizzo, or protection money, but that he should find them himself. They knew his habits and where his family lived, the letter said. It was the first time he had received such a demand.

Mr. Romano and his two brothers, who co-own the family business founded in 1964, decided not to pay, and to report the threat to the police.

At dawn on Jan. 4, a bomb mixing gunpowder with nails and bolts blew out all of the showroom’s windows, badly damaged three cars on display, and left holes in the metal shutter of the store opposite.

“We don’t regret reporting it, even though we don’t feel safe now,” Mr. Romano said.

The blast at Mr. Romano’s showroom inaugurated a series of attacks previously unseen in the Foggia province, in the southern region of Puglia, the heel of the boot-shaped Italian peninsula.

Fourteen shops or businesses have suffered bomb or arson attacks since the start of this year, according to Foggia’s anti-extortion association.

Anonymous ID: 4552fe Feb. 13, 2022, 11:42 a.m. No.15618791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Killing Civilization: They’re Teaching Schoolkids 'the Narrative'


For quite some years now, the term “narrative” has been common in political circles. It generally has a negative connotation as it’s used to reference a story line — an often largely fictional one — advanced by some ideologically driven entity for political gain.


This is why I saw a red flag Friday when, while writing an article on how leftist indoctrination permeates even conservative states’ schools, I read a line about what a common modern pedagogy dictates was necessary to be a “culturally responsive educator” (read: an educator responsible for cultural revolution). Two prerequisites for it, related the Federalist, are “the rejection of colorblindness and replacing instruction about facts with narrative stories.”


Now, the narrative-story technique can be very powerful and is often used in journalism. For example, a writer may open a piece with a tale about some person whose experiences relate to the article’s topic. A variation on this is to detail and portray sympathetically an individual whose plight, or what you characterize as such, serves as an anecdote in support of a policy the author is advocating, either explicitly or implicitly.


I don’t tend toward this technique myself. Instinctively I’ve always been a straightforward person; if I believe something is true and should be embraced, my default is to say so and explain logically why (I’m very male, in other words!). Moreover, I’d certainly agree with the paraphrase of history scholar Henry Thomas Buckle that goes, “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” Tales are mainly about people and events.


This said, I have on occasion used the narrative-story method, and it can be a legitimate tool. After all, as I may lament as I inform people I’m an alien, the humans aren’t Mr. Spocks — Vulcans operating entirely on logic. They’re emotional beings, which is why the most effective arguments incorporate not just logos and ethos, but also pathos, an appeal to emotion. It’s as when wooing a woman: We speak of capturing her heart, not her head.


Yet the woman is blessed if the man winning her heart is a knight in shining armor, not a charming devil, and she may not well be able to tell the difference because her passions have been engaged; she’s almost assuredly not analyzing matters logically. Related to this, the narrative-story technique is only legitimate in one situation: When harnessing the emotions in service to that knight in shining armor of ideas — Truth.


Tragically, however, the method is perhaps more often used to seduce people into accepting that devil of ideas called a lie. It’s a favored trick of demagogues because, since lies (theirs included) can’t be backed up with reason, it’s virtually the only arrow in their quiver. But, my, is this anti-Cupid ever good at hitting the heart.


For example, ask the average person — and in particular, most any liberal — how many unarmed black suspects are killed by police yearly. He virtually always won’t know, but will also often think he has a pretty good idea: Hundreds and perhaps thousands.