Won't be any under the bus stuff between those 4. Mutually Assured Destruction would ensue. Suggest they will all go out together on Suicide Weekend. Not one ounce of courage among the 4…..plus they are all too vain to mess up the face or hairdo. So….suggest they will get blind, stinkin' drunk, then open those cyanide rings and get a whiff.
No more Mr. Nice Guy. Ditch the velvet glove and bring the mailed fist.
Not going to happen. Yeah, we will get a scare event, if what has already gone down forever in Ukraine does not qualify. A little false flag, a few casualties, and it does not expand. Then they've shot their bolt. Expecting them to come at us with a faked alien landing, combined with some triggered earthquakes, etc. But what does this mean? It means they are losing and they know it.