was that SoFi stadium, or SciFi stadium? aksing for a fren….
be ungovernable. Gandhi brought the british empire to its knees by not eating.
it's WAY PAST time….
nah… das judge judy
>So ready for shit to hit the fan
>the plan is unfolding
collateral corpses are piling up. when does the cure become as bad as the ill?
pretty sure that's debbie wasserman schultz
>Boomers and jews…
>A match made in HELL!
i think you mean upwardly mobile affluent social climbers and JEWS. what generation they come from has NOTHING to do with it.
and 40 yrs ago, they were all from "the greatest" generation. and 20 yrs from now, they will all be from genX. WHAT'S your fucking point. fuckwit?
btw, it's CFR, not CRF, you JACKASS.
the great honkening
wrong keebler, THIS is justin bieber
>That’s what The Science says.
that's what one asshole editor said. you make yourself a bigger idiot than them when you make asshole generalizations like that.
>no high iq youngster know it all would be so stoopid
>whipped his 4-year-old son with a tree branch as punishment
OMG. he spanked a child spoiled and ruined by his karen mother. he should be crucified.
>Look up my post history.
why bother. i've seen it all in real time, gary, and you only post the same retarded bullshit over and over and over.
nope, that's k d lang, neo's main squeeze.
completely lost ALL meaning. wake me if something actually happens. ANYTHING….
>Paper Officially Withdrawn?
due to errors? or due to threats against the authors? kinda makes a difference.