hope yall have a great day
vcard or not
hope yall have a great day
vcard or not
yup, another holiday based around consumption; like that one day a year where you treat her right because she is your everything will stop her from seeking gifts other days of the year
>my experience anyway; western way as groomed since birth thru radio, print, tv, ads, internet, contractual marriage shepherded by whatever the fuck court system claims your money for signature
-Disney analogy; you are a princess based only if your prince can slide your feet into glass slippers and offer jewels to impress everyone you meet - work until your pinnacle is a 'consumption holiday' to show how $much$ you care -have a kid in wedlock or not -> maybe abort or not -> groom kids with cartoons and Harry Potter -> abuse young age -> groom in public schools -> push select groomed through colleges -> push those select into positions of 'influence' and 'policy making' -> blackmail who you need -> repeat cycle for global domination
-Bible; respect her, protect her, and try to put your rib back in the proper slot, kids if able, protect the kids innocence -offer as many opportunities to enjoy life before repeat of cycle of family, community, experience