>>15624900 PB)
looks like the new cult super heroes
"Bug face and Androgyn"
"The hard-hatin,' crime committing, demonic pedovore duo"
Legend is born..
>>15624900 PB)
looks like the new cult super heroes
"Bug face and Androgyn"
"The hard-hatin,' crime committing, demonic pedovore duo"
Legend is born..
A ritual sacrifice is ideally "a young boy of perfect innocence."
The Carthaginians sacrificed both sexes in infancy, but killing an evil or corrupt person is not a sacrifice but an insult, and the power concerned is likely to resent it.
For many years pedovores in academia hid evidence of the wholesale sacrifice of children at Carthage.
The also concealed or denied the numerous other historical incidents of satanic infiltration of governments, such as in Korea recently
and infamously in the French court of Louis XIV.
In that case, the celebrated "Affair of the Poisons" the King's mistress, the Royal bastards and ambitious high ranking officials and clergy were all involved.
The witch(es) offered assistance in procurement of Royal favor, advancement at Court, material gain of all kind.
The French police found thousands of tiny bodies where the satanists dumped them. So many bodies they eventually gave up trying to count them - 10, possibly 20 thousand.
Also involved in the scandal was Eustache Dauger de Cavoye, the eldest living scion of a prominent noble family. Cavoye was disinherited by his family when, in an act of debauchery, he chose to celebrate Good Friday with a black mass. Upon his disinheritance, he opened a lucrative trade in "inheritance powders" and aphrodisiacs. He mysteriously disappeared after the abrupt ending of Louis's official investigation in 1678.
None of the Royals involved was punished, as the Paris police chief de La Renie said, "The very magnitude of their crimes protected them."
So it has always been; until now.