Why are they worshipping George Floyd?
Why did they hide Hunter's laptop and stay quiet while a blackmailed PEDO became top "governent official" if they are so anti - pedophilia; harm against children.
How many children are harmed by them staying quiet about Fauci nd the injection?
They pretend as cover for the crooks (themselves and their cronies)
They need to step down and lock up shop.
Get the Fuck out
Oh yeah they covered-up Weiner laptop too
>>15624827 pb
Imagine this?
They staged the "insurresction" at the Capital in order to prevent the vote cheating from coming to light.
What else have they staged / simulated over the years?
The News Media collused as well, Gave them all cover; but isn't the FBI sworn to uphold the Constitution.
Media has no obligation to that?