Scott Free ID: 3aca15 Feb. 14, 2022, 7:44 p.m. No.15630457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Evening Baker, thought I would say thanks for minding the oven.


Good always wins, love has so much more power than evil can fathom. Theyre all about to find out christ has been watching them and what they've been doing to humanity.


rules were that humans had to make a choice and by forcing the vaccines onto humanity, and they did force it, that breaks all the rules.


now they pay dearly for what they have already done.

some awesome people are about to do a biblical on the evil. things about to explode worldwide.


please love your neighbor, they have all been hurt by this too.


it goes from this board to billions of minds worldwide. do not ever think you don't make a difference. y'all woke up a man would been asleep for 2k years.


scott free