Anonymous ID: a6003d Feb. 14, 2022, 11:04 p.m. No.15631428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bad News:

Trip to hospital tonight to see loved one seemingly dealing w consequences of COVID jabs (no boosters).

Good News:

Told before visit a mask would be required.

Conveniently, left said mask at home.

Front-desk check-in for hall-pass.

Mask signs abundant.

All at desk were masked.

All saw me.

No one said a word.

Same story at room visited (right next to big workers desk station for that floor).


An anon (shill) stated at beginning of this portion of the movie, Mask Hill was not one to die on.

This anon stated it would not be the hill anon would die on, but one to surely fight on.

Anons had the higher position and held it.

Reinforcements join us daily.


Moar Good News:

Hospital said bedtime prayers over the intercom.

Cross hung on the wall of room visited.

The Lord is with us.