Anonymous ID: d16fc3 Feb. 14, 2022, 9:33 p.m. No.15631081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1092 >>1430 >>1582 >>1620 >>1714

Goldman Sachs CEO DJs Super Bowl Party For Maskless Elites


Whether attending the Super Bowl at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on Sunday or pregame events on Saturday, maskless elites partied their faces off across the metro area this weekend as the rest of America watched in disbelief as mask mandates were ignored.


The rich and powerful ignored local health mandates at Saturday's Sports Illustrated pre Super Bowl party. David Solomon, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, ditched his tie and suit to play house music to maskless Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos and his girlfriend, Lauren Sanchez, among other maskless power players.


"He shows up with a backpack, in T-shirt, jeans, sneakers," Michael Heller, co-founder of Talent Resources Sports, which hosted the event with Sports Illustrated, told Bloomberg. "After dark, he's a different person, so free-spirited."


So different the CEO of Goldman Sachs took to the stage (we're unsure if he was masked up or maskless) and played for hundreds of maskless people.

Anonymous ID: d16fc3 Feb. 14, 2022, 9:34 p.m. No.15631090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1434

Still No Answers On The CIA's Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance Of Americans


The Central Intelligence Agency has been collecting American’s private data without any oversight or even the minimal legal safeguards that apply to the NSA and FBI, an unconstitutional affront to our civil liberties. According to a declassified report released last week by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), the CIA’s surveillance program is reminiscent of the mass surveillance programs conducted by the NSA, though the details released thus far paint a disturbing picture of potential wide-scale violations of people’s privacy.


To start, the CIA program has apparently been conducted outside the statutory reforms and oversight of the intelligence community instituted after revelations by Edward Snowden in 2013. The newly declassified CIA data collection program is carried out in conjunction with Executive Order 12333 and is therefore subject to even less oversight than the woefully under-supervised NSA surveillance programs subject to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.


The whos, whats, whys, and hows of this semi-disclosed CIA program are still unknown, and the public deserves the right to know exactly what damage has been done. Senators Ron Wyden and Martin Heinrich are already pressing for the release of even more information. In a partially-redacted letter sent to the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA Director on April 13, 2021, the senators have called for the public release of the full report about the CIA’s surveillance, which remains classified. The senators’ letter also demands answers about how the agency collects the data, what data is being collected, and the rules governing its storage and retention.


From that letter and a PCLOB "Staff Recommendations" document, we know that the CIA collects a vast amount of data, often on U.S. persons, without any clear guidelines about data retention and without substantial oversight of analysts querying information about U.S. citizens. The program seems to exist outside the jurisdiction of either courts or Congress–given that even the Senate Intelligence Committee was left in the dark about this program.


According to PCLOB’s staff recommendations, when an analyst attempts to look at information relating to an American citizen, a "pop-up box will appear to remind the analysts that an F[oreign] I[ntelligence] purpose is required for such a query. However, analysts are not required to memorialize the justification for their queries. As a result, auditing or reviewing U.S. Person (USP) queries is likely to be challenging and time-consuming." So, not only is there no way of preventing curious and prying eyes of CIA agents from pulling up data about their friends and family–there’s no good way to audit agents’ activity after the fact.

Anonymous ID: d16fc3 Feb. 14, 2022, 9:36 p.m. No.15631097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1102

Massive Methane Cloud Visible From Space Leaks Above Louisiana


Here comes the crowd of "climate justice" activists ready to pounce on the perpetrators responsible for producing a massive cloud of methane gas that's purportedly visible from space.


According to one of Bloomberg's sources, the plume represents one of the most severe concentration of the powerful greenhouse gas to appear in the atmosphere in years.


Geoanalytics firm Kayrros estimated an emissions rate of 105 tons of methane an hour was needed to generate the plume, which stretched more than 56 miles (about 90 km) across multiple parishes and was the most severe concentration of the powerful greenhouse since October.

Anonymous ID: d16fc3 Feb. 14, 2022, 9:45 p.m. No.15631152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1157 >>1161 >>1430 >>1582 >>1620 >>1714

Virginia Roberts now claims she's LOST notorious photo of Prince Andrew with his arm around her waist which he claims was faked: Royal will now use its disappearance as part of his defense in NYC civil rape suit


Virginia Roberts-Giuffre claims to have misplaced the notorious photo of her and Prince Andrew that she says was taken the night she was first sexually assaulted

The photo shows a smiling Prince Andrew with his arm around Giuffre's waist, and Ghislaine Maxwell standing behind the pair in her London apartment

'The picture is not in Virginia’s possession,' a source close to Giuffre said

The source also argued Giuffre's case against Andrew does not rest on the image

Andrew's legal team has made a bid to get hold of the photo and are said to have lined up a photograph expert to analyze it

The Duke of York's attorneys argue that without the hard copy original, there is no way to prove the image wasn't manipulated

Giuffre has previously said the original may be in storage boxes at her in-laws' home in Sydney, Australia

Anonymous ID: d16fc3 Feb. 14, 2022, 9:53 p.m. No.15631181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1193 >>1430 >>1582 >>1620 >>1714

Former RNC chair Marc Racicot urges current chair Ronna McDaniel to pursue dismissal of recently approved censure resolution targeting Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger


Marc Racicot, a former Montana governor and former chair of the Republican National Committee, has written a letter to current RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel calling for her to lead the committee in reversing course on the recently passed resolution censuring GOP Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.


Both Cheney and Kinzinger have been been outspoken critics of former President Donald Trump, and they are the only two Republicans serving on the House select committee tasked investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.


"My suggestion and request is that you lead the Committee through the process of withdrawing and dismissing the RNC Resolution rebuking and deserting Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. I urge the pursuit of this remedy with the understanding that we’re human, that politics is a competitive enterprise and that sometimes we make mistakes. But I also believe in such a situation the final measure of our character is whether we have the insight and courage to humbly and honestly correct them," Racicot wrote.


Racicot told McDaniel that he believes she and other RNC members will regret the passage of the censure resolution.


"Based on my decades of engagement in Republican politics, my intuition tells me that you and the other members of the RNC will come to regret, if you don’t already, the passage of the RNC Resolution. It appears possible, and maybe even probable, that the RNC Resolution, with its incendiary language and histrionics, has advanced the very threat that you accuse Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger of creating, namely the diminution of the chances for Republican electoral success in 2022," he wrote.


Kinzinger is not seeking re-election this year.


Cheney is seeking another term in office, but faces the added hurdle of competing against Trump-backed challenger Harriet Hageman during the primary.

Anonymous ID: d16fc3 Feb. 14, 2022, 9:54 p.m. No.15631183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1194 >>1430 >>1582 >>1620 >>1714

New Mexico GOP calls for prominent Democrat state lawmaker to step down over drunk driving arrest


The Republican Party of New Mexico is calling on a Democrat state lawmaker to step down after she was arrested for drunk driving and two other charges on a "Super Bowl saturation patrol" traffic stop.


State Rep. Georgene Louis of Albuquerque was stopped on Sunday evening by a police officer who said he smelled alcohol during their interaction.


"The officer did conduct standardized field sobriety tests and a breath test; they were administered, which supported the suspicion of impaired driving," Santa Fe Deputy Chief Ben Valdez.


She was booked early Monday morning at the Santa Fe County jail.


"Rep. Louis should do the right thing and resign from her House seat," said New Mexico GOP Chairman Steve Pearce in a statement.


"She faces criminal charges, and this kind of behavior does not coincide with that of a responsible public servant," he added. "Rep. Louis has violated the public trust, let down her constituents and endangered the lives of innocents. New Mexico deserves better."


Later on Monday, Louis released a statement of apology through her attorney but she did not resign.


“I am sorry and I deeply regret my lapse in judgment," said the statement. "I know I let so many people down. I am accepting responsibility for my mistake. I am prioritizing my health, and I will work hard to regain the trust of my constituents, my community and my family.”


Louis has been a legislator in New Mexico House of Representatives for nine years. She is the chair of the House Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee. That committee canceled its meeting scheduled for Monday.


In addition to the DWI charge, Louis was charged with speeding, driving without insurance, and failing to show proof of registration.


She is the third member of the New Mexico legislature to be arrested for drunk driving since 2018.