>dismantle systemic racism
Already happening…the racist 'Old Guard' systemic infection is being dismantled.
>dismantle systemic racism
Already happening…the racist 'Old Guard' systemic infection is being dismantled.
There is no bank run
The claim there is, on this board, is ITSELF a pathetic attempt to foment them
>Merely reporting
>after the fact
The same idiots are posting on both places.
>This board no longer capable of fomenting anything.
Scared clown confirmed.
Cabinet must vote first
>It matters not what online community attempts.
That's everyone except those using paper cups connected with string.
Awww, hate something you can't get rid of?
"dAnGeRoUs aLt-RiGhT eXtReMiSts aRe tRyInG tO cOlLapSe YoUr bAnK, mOrE nEwS aT 4aM"
>You and Democrats do.
Kek, you glow
Rothschild puppets shitting up the board.
Swamp is draining fast
857,045 4,928
Hannity = Over the target
No, a supporter of free choice revealing one's preferences.
Why do you stupid morons 'see' Virginia in supporting comments?
Anon is Anon, and based on her decision she's gone through enough.
Who the fuck are you assholes to criticize her own choice?
Fuck you, how about risking one's life even suing?
Anons know why you stupid shill degenerates are seething.
Look at the degenerate shills retreating to the same dialectic of division code…
"Divide by sex".
Fuck you idiots are the world's biggest sore losers.
RRN is fake and ghey
The anti-Virginia shills are total failures, losers.
No, YOU are.
Divide by muh sex * loop error