Anonymous ID: c0b7a1 Feb. 15, 2022, 7:08 a.m. No.15632925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094

>>15631841 Tick Tock, Kinahan Cartel? “notoriety is wrecking business for everyone”


Bill and Hillary has deep ties to Ireland theres no doubt in my mind Kinahan has a relationship with all the labor leaders snc politicians in Ireland. I looked up Kinahan, no results in wiki but rest assured his connections are involved with the Clintons. The Irish Mafia is in Ireland and very big in US.


330 emails with Ireland as subject


Lots of names from Ireland in her emails


News around the world when Wiki released Clinton’s emails


Read the entire email with press from countries,Hilarious


HRC & Huma monitoring the reactions in media of wikileaks releasing Hillary’s emails



Ireland Media is focusing on specific revelations about the use of Shannon Airport by the U.S. military. According to the Irish Daily Mirror "it appears the (Irish) government was not serious about dealing with real concerns about the use of Shannon by the U.S. military on their way to Iraq and Afghanistan. Bloggers opine the Irish government felt conflicted — it liked the revenue it received from U.S. troops passing through, as well as the diplomatic benefits, but felt it had to placate the Irish public before the 2007 elections and publicly decry the use of Shannon. The Irish Examiner relied on an excerpt from TIME Magazine's interview with Assange. An analyst writing for the Irish Independent headlines "Diplomatic corps' horror is pure gold for historians," concluding that, ith900 further Irish cables set to be published in the coming months, the trouble may only be starting for the mandarins of Iveagh House (Department of Foreign Affairs)."

Anonymous ID: c0b7a1 Feb. 15, 2022, 7:38 a.m. No.15633094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104


There’s so many Irish names in her emails


Hillary celebrating getting both mafias working together

To: H Sent: Fri Feb 05 07:10:49 2010 Subject: Re: Bravo! Brava! Issue your statement! Sid Will find out. Why not invite uk and irish ambassadors to State to brief press with you today? Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry Original Message From: H


0 11.42 GMT * UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773258 Date: 08/31/2015 RELEASE IN PART B6


U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773258 Date: 08/31/2015 =•Justice and policing powers will be devolved Irish 's power-sharing government from 12 April in a historic deal agreed by the main parties that "opens a new chapter" after decades of violence, Gordon Brown said today. Standing alongside his Irish counterpart, Brian Cowen, at a press conference at Hillsborough Castle outside Belfast, the prime minister said the "inspirational" agreement between Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist party (was a foundation for lasting peace. The deal — finally agreed to by the DUP last night and described as a final piece in the jigsaw after a long search for peace — comes after two weeks of round-the-clock negotiations and brings an end to fears that the power-sharing government might collapse. It will see policing and justice powers devolved from Westminster to the assembly within weeks and includes new plans on overseeing parades. Brown, who travelled to Belfast this morning, said the agreement had been possible because of "a new spirit of mutual co-operation and respect". The deal meets a key Sinn Fein demand and prevents the republican party from walking out of the power-sharing executive. In return, the DUP has secured reforms to the way loyalist marches are handled in Northern Ireland, including the abolition of the Parades Commission, a body most unionists regard as biased in favour of nationalists. A cross-community vote will now be held in the Stormont assembly on 9 March before the policing and justice powers are devolved from London on 12 April. Brown told reporters: "The achievements have been as great as they are inspirational. This moment and this agreement belongs to the people of Northern Ireland, all of the people, and now more than ever before so does their future … This is the last chapter of a long and troubled story and the beginning of a new chapter after decades of violence, years of talks, weeks of stalemate." Cowen praised both unionists and nationalists for making "fair and balanced compromises" to bridge the divisions and said the quality of the negotiations meant that the "devolved institutions can and will work". The Northern Ireland secretary, Shaun Woodward, said the deal would further isolate republican dissidents who have launched three separate gun and bomb attacks against police stations in the province over the last 10 days. The deal would "absolutely" make Northern Ireland a safer place, he said. The DUP leader, Peter Robinson, said the agreement "will be more enduring because of the time spent" in forming it. Referring back to the Belfast Agreement of 1998 when negotiations bore fruit at the 11th hour, the Sinn Fein president, Gerry Adams, described the current deal and the rescue of power-sharing as "yet another very good Friday". Jeffrey Donaldson told the Guardian the DUP's 36-strong assembly team was now unanimously in favour of the deal. lal because it did not give unionists enough concessions. Robinson said he would now look to gain the support of the community and the smaller assembly parties for the deal. "We have a basis upon which we can go forward and recommend it [the deal] to our party, to the other parties in Northern Ireland and to the community. "An essential element of the Democratic Unionist Party's manifesto== is the requirement for community confidence; we believe this can be the basis for gaining that confidence." However the leader of the hardline Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV), Jim Allister, questioned why the 14 DUP rebels had changed their minds.


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773258 Date: 08/31/2015 "The deal hasn't changed, only the snowmen of the DUP, who melted once the heat came on," Allister said. The DUP now faces a struggle to ward off the TUV threat in the forthcoming general election.Allister will portray the deal as a sell-out of unionist principles and a sop to republicanism.

Anonymous ID: c0b7a1 Feb. 15, 2022, 8:23 a.m. No.15633409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3435

Trump to Biden on Russia: "We Caught Them All"


President Donald Trump at the first presidential debate with Joe Biden: "So when I listen to Joe talking about a transition, there has been no transition from when I won. I won that election. And if you look at crooked Hillary Clinton, if you look at all of the different people, there was no transition, because they came after me trying to do a coup. They came after me spying on my campaign. They started from the day I won, and even before I won. From the day I came down the escalator with our first lady, they were a disaster. They were a disgrace to our country, and we’ve caught them. We’ve caught them all. We’ve got it all on tape. We’ve caught them all. And by the way, you gave the idea for the Logan Act against General Flynn. You better take a look at that, because we caught you in a sense, and President Obama was sitting in the office."!