a, b, c, d….
nothing wrong with 'control' so long as EVERYONE subject to the law of 'life' has said control…
Manipulate those who can identify 'manipulation' itself, can of worms (you) WILL be eating, either due to necessity or by force :)
how about stop 'capitalism' from allowing 'patents' of technology from being bought. sold, exchanged, etc…like 'commodities…not to mention stop shooting people who come up with this shit on their own twicce in the head and one in the heart and labelling it as suicide?
I like the REAL option better…enough have come together to simply eradicate the fucks behind this.
sooner than you know
don't use mil standards for ignorant remarks….mil was MADE AND ARMED by we the people….food for thought.
It'll be fast tracked through the house
so what are you waiting for noisemaker? Make some noise.
backchannels are important
kek….take your perspective and shove it up your ass anon.
try harder
what a world where you can simply move C.O.C. pieces here and there to trigger 'news' so as to manipulate a population with an economy based on fake money who's inflation and deflation numbers rely solely on said 'news'….not to mention the NEWS IS FAKE!
these people are stupid.