Anonymous ID: c5af6b Feb. 15, 2022, 10:56 p.m. No.15640038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0043

#2397 Biden Context Shift Theory


Anon is ripped and reading though yesterdays delta rays and came across this drop.


I love a good context shift, always fun to find one.


I think a lot of the drops are meant to be read in a framed context as well as original meaning.


I think thats why Q would always say "Important to understand" - not "important to know"




I'm baked, and I started thinking about how could this drop be applied today. I love a nice context shift. I replaced [MUELLER] with [BIDEN].


Mueller's job was to block, stall, jam and confuse.


I see Biden doing what Muellers job was right now.


Let's talk optics. The DS clearly has no means of gathering sending or receiving intel properly on any levels .. think Afghanistan failure. No domestic intelligence, no foreign evidence. The DS was running absolutely blind, sort of shows Devolution is real..


But how does Biden fill the Mueller role in today's perspective and how can it be properly framed?


Lets swap some [MUELLER]'s out.



[BIDEN] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver


Limit POTUS (Biden's) power. Joe is brain dead.. he cant make any decisions or think for himself. Anything that isn't directly on his speaking agenda he is totally going to botch. They are in damage control mode 24/7


[BIDEN] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.


Which investigations? Durham's? Biden turn out to be a big mess for the DS. Now thinking into 2022 midterms the Dems have quite the hole to get out of, lots and lots of angry R's and D's will be voting in November. Was a year and a half needed (stall) for more people to wake? I say yaaaa.


[BIDEN] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion ( Biden is a walking red pill), obstruct foreign + domestic agenda (keeps Dems and Foreign assets at bay because he is too unpredictable), fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..


DS isn't receiving intel properly. Look at Afghanistan, it couldnt possibly have gone worse. They are running blind. [MUELLER/BIDEN] is fucking up both foreign and domestic 'agenda's'


[BIDEN] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.


Joe Biden is actively showing the world re:UKRAINE CHINA +1 +2 right now that he is bought and paid for


[BIDEN] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.


Obviously here Biden is putting the DS in such a hole for midterms, the cheating needed to win would be absolute insanity.


Some key points I want to bring up here.


Think about Psaki CONSTANTLY circling back. I don't believe she can actually say anything on record for Joe Biden because Joe simple has no idea.. They are in full damage control mode.


What the DS thought was a sacrificial gesture to shove old sleepy joe biden into center stage for reason turned out to be a bad idea.


The DS is not in a situation where intel channels has been shut down, wouldnt be suprised if TAC and Brennan are the only sources the DS has right now for intelligence and are only receiving shit info.. think FVEY…


Read the drop, plug and think. It kinda flows nicely.