tyb bringing forward.
HOG1A-10 out of Fort Wayne Indiana ANG flying figure eights N of Logansport due E of Royal Center.
KECK201out of JBA on finals into Cleveland Hopkins intl.
tyb bringing forward.
HOG1A-10 out of Fort Wayne Indiana ANG flying figure eights N of Logansport due E of Royal Center.
KECK201out of JBA on finals into Cleveland Hopkins intl.
GTMO01passing a AFSOC C-146 Wolfhound going the other way on the regular Gitmo route.
GTMO01 is c/s used by commander @Gitmo. Looks like he is heading to Florida.
C-146 Wolfhound heading gitmo dropped off shortly aft I posted.
notable 2nded
You can leave or remove the '? it is just a general search query.
Everything after is tracking and or redirect info.
Sometimes if the bread/catalog is being funky adding a ? to the bread/cataLOG addy can help resolve funkiness.