Anonymous ID: 910683 Feb. 16, 2022, 8:22 a.m. No.15642116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2194


>I don't think it'll work but that's what they're trying.


The goal of the CA government is to take the blockade truckers off the road. How does that help an empty shelves situation? Mr. intellectual snarking about a boomerang of empty shelves hitting the protest supporters can't see or hear the freight train coming up behind him.


I think the truckers are goading the CA government into forcing them to stop work/driving. The take away from the blockades should have been that the supply chain goes pear-shaped in a couple of days if the trucks are stopped. If the CA government continues with financial and regulatory punishment the truckers will just stop driving.. As it is developing now I think the clusterfuck will be blamed on the government. All Trudeau had to do was have a big photo op meeting to listen to trucker demands from the get go. He didn't. He start flinging insults. He fucked up. He walked arrogantly into an open trap. He'll pay for that.


Freedland may have been coaching him. She's supposed to be other realm intelligent. I think she's being put out there front and center now because the bus that's coming to try to get Trudeau's ass out of the sling is going to drive over the top of her. If you need a sacrificial fuck up to throw to the plebes to try to appease them you couldn't get a better one from central casting.