Another Province dropping Covid restrictions, kinda.
Newfoundland to eliminate COVID-19 restrictions, move out of pandemic phase by March 14
Feb 16, 2022
Ken Winsor
1.09K subscribers
Health officials in Newfoundland and Labrador are announcing a plan to drop masks, vaccination passports and gathering restrictions by March 14.
Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Janice Fitzgerald announced the plan as part of a live briefing and says the changes can be made due to high vaccination rates, a less severe strain of virus, and the availability of therapeutic medications to help keep those at the highest risk out of the hospital.
"With continuing favourable epidemiology, we anticipate that by March 14 capacity limitations, distancing, masking and proof of vaccination requirements will be removed. Masking will continue to be strongly recommended beyond March 14," Fitzgerald said.
The province will first ease restrictions on Feb. 21, followed by a further reduction on Feb. 28.
As part of the first wave of changes, retail stores will have no restrictions beginning Feb. 21. Restaurants, gyms, fitness studios and dance studios can operate at 75 percent capacity. Eating and drinking are only permitted when seated, and masks must be worn when not eating or drinking.
Faith-based ceremonies will move to 75 percent capacity where the province's vaccine passport is used, and 50 percent in places without it. Visitations will also move to 50 percent, while wakes outside a funeral home or place of worship will be allowed 20 people.
Informal gatherings will be allowed to seat 25 people, while formal gatherings will see no change.
Sports teams will be able to compete outside of their region, but can only play one game per day. Tournaments are not permitted.