can she curl with that broom?
whatevs, hilz
people thought Joe Rogan shot a triceratops too …the stupid is industrial strength in some places
cool letter ; no one of consequence cares, though….and the public has been brainwashed to think it is OK to spy on Trump because he is so dangerous
nice neins,…but if such a bald-face lie, why even respond? would you?
this board is more of a "free press" as described in the Constitution then anything on TV. Saw a poll showing 15% still believe everything the MSM tells them….guessing that is mostly government/legal employees, healthcare workers, and other parasites on the taxpayer ; 56% said they believe MSM is the enemy of the people….making traction
who are the Romanians?
right,,,,,who says any of them are? Whitmer, Prtizker, Mitch McConnell, Pelosi, etc….any of them.
the last roll from the panic buy two years ago is on the tube thingy….there once was 96 of them
never heard a galactic prayer before ..neat
was more saying never seen anyone care about beings not in this solar system