SEARCH anons. Google will do.
Didn't vote, didn't watch TV, not one rally, not one debate. Knew Hillary was the chosen one. On the way to the golf course about 7:30 am on 09 Nov. 2016 my car radio was reporting Donald J. Trump is President. Got home about 1:00 pm and started digging. Been digging ever since. The best moment was hearing Gen. Mike Flynn give us (me) a shout out.
>there are many here from all over the world.
Oh, I know anon. That was the second best moment. I knew I was an anon. Knew I was born, and will die an anon. Then I learned not only was I not alone, there were millions upon millions from all over the world just like me. Don't need to meet in the psychical world, the spiritual world is where it's at.
I know Trump said he's not giving Ron his endorsement but he then said good things about Ron. It was in a published message. I forgot the exact words. Can a kind anon who has Trump's message re: Ron Watkins, Codemonkey post it please.