Welcome to Switzerland Q & POTUS!!!
Anyone baker confirmed?
DOJ tells Nunes releasing memo would be "reckless"
Pussies! That 4AM counter-narrative has come through.
Baker confirming :)
A senior official Gerald Anderson, hired in 2013 by Save The Children, was forced to resign by the American Red Cross after sexual abuse allegations.
>Anderson led the Red Cross response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.
Davos timezone CET +1
Current time: 2:11PM
You just got an automatic ban for filling in your email and name kek
That's a YUGE amount of reading
I don't think Q would give us 1.2mil docs. I think he'll give us the memo.
> Much easier to save/download
> Easier to read and break down
> Plus he can send us those "instructions" on how to preserve it offline, with the memo
Can you believe this woman would've been dead if it wasn't for Trump/NSA's alert?
kek, Q's famous
It's paused atm. PMOUK just spoke and then she left and everyone got up. Intercession?
Looks like Horowitz just got a hammer.
Hello HF COMM, good to see you.
Ok thanks
what could be worse than that*