I do believe that Durham's filing on Feb 11, 2022 must have flustered HRC, her handlers and the entire MSDNC fake news complex because it 'forced' them to PUBLICLY DENY they spied, and they 'knew' they had to publicly deny it. That's the thing.
And that's almost certainly why Durham filed what he did in the way he did at the time he did.
The cult couldn't admit they spied. That was out of the question.
So, Q/Durham knew that no matter what they filed, fake news would deny it.
So the real question became "What EXACTLY do we want HRC and fake news to publicly deny at this time?"
That was the trap.
So, Q/Durham disclosed in a small section of a court filing a statement to 'light a fire' and then wait for the conspirators' 'narrative' controllers to flush themselves into the open to deny it.
And deny it they did.
They can't admit they did it, they're 'forced' into denying actual reality more and more and more and more…
As this occurs, the People around the world are at the same time awakening on their own.
The whole dialectic control is 'flipping' the right way up again after centuries of noise.
The cult are THEMSELVES dismantling their own dialectic construct, as if they are being guided by a force transcending all humanity.
It would be too easy to point to 'DECLAS' as the proximate 'cause' for why this is habbening. But then Anon asks, how did it become possible for the world to even have the conditions to make DECLAS possible?
"Tech is entrenching on their controls" - Q
I do not need to question or presume to know Q's intention behind this statement, but to me this statement is perhaps the most historically and philosophically important.
I know by self-reflective logic/analysis that it is logically impossible for me to be able to PREDICT the state of my own future knowledge. I know this is a logical 'constraint' of my being because if I temporarily assumed I could predict my own future knowledge, then I would run into a contradiction, I would be assuming to have such future knowledge in my present current state. But the original thesis was that I could predict my FUTURE state of knowledge.
To me, the concept or phenomena of "knowledge" is another way of expressing the concept or phenomena of "Tech".
The entire foundation of Marxism and threads of philosophy which predated and postdated it are ALL dependent on the crucial assumption that a 'complete' vision of humanity is possible AND at the same time for that 'complete' vision to be 'consistent'.
This is a mathematical impossibility. It is mathematically impossible for any sufficiently complex system capable of outputting meaningful statements to be both complete and consistent.
Any extreme drive towards 'complete' domination over a species of billions who cannot predict their own future state of knowledge necessarily leads to exposure of internal contradictions (inconsistencies).
I see that happening every day in the fake news. What they claimed in the past is more and more opposite to what they are claiming now. And it's getting 'worse' because they are trying to force a 'complete' control over the narrative, over information.
'They' could never have predicted the Digital Revolution which has revealed to the world for the first time logical constraints and 'impossibilities' in EVERY 'formal system', be it daily output of dialectic division code that keeps the originators in ideological 'control', or any other 'formal system' seeking 'complete' dominance over information.
Tech is entrenching on their controls for the same reason unpredictable human outputs will forever make it impossible for there to be a 'complete' informational control over everyone.