Anonymous ID: 9d023a Feb. 17, 2022, 7:47 a.m. No.15649684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oscar Ramirez correspondent on Real Americas news wasrobbed by MS13in Guatemala near Fuego Volcano

Sauce. warroom. Showed recorded footage as we was livestreaming

Anonymous ID: 9d023a Feb. 17, 2022, 8:40 a.m. No.15650034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0082 >>0093 >>0198 >>0200 >>0371


>plus image is a bit small

right click, open in new tab



>but can you explain for the newbies,

>confirmation of enemy of the people

Clock evolution.



Potus Drops

Fake news is theEnemy of the people



Crooked Hillary


3 year delta


Q drops Fake News is ==Enemy of the people.


Start clock.

>02-16-2022 = minute :32

Anon fetches appropriate Q drop because "Plumbers"

>When do you call a plumber?


Q1279 also includes Crooked Hillary reference


>Define Evergreen


date of Q1279 = 04-26-2018

<04-26 = Q clock minute :31

Q1279 minute timestamp = :01 30 minute mirror for :31


other Anon fetches appropriate Q drop because you call a plumber when you have a leak

>Sometimes a leak becomes a flood


Date of Q3861 02-14

<02-14 = Q clock minute :30


Days = minutes.

02-16 1 min > 04-26 > 1 min > 02-14


Clock lines up now for

Enemy of the people

Crooked Hillary

Fake News Media






Check Watergate

Potus also dropped "far bigger crime"

fetch Q4933 because

>Watergate x1000

Date of Q4933 10-22-2020

<10-22 = Q clock minute :30


There's most likely more to the clock with other watergate drops and such but that's where I stopped