Ottawa Attorneys "calling on Police to stand with the People"
Feb.17, 2022
Ottawa Attorneys "calling on Police to stand with the People"
Feb.17, 2022
It's true. It doesn't matter who wrote these posts. They are the truth.
Work together
Tune out the shills and trolls
News stories - read between the lines
Q+ - Read between the lines
A lot of crumbs dropped every day.
Kek - instead of looking at the information, dissing it because it's not wrapped up with a bow. Crumbs are not presents. Crumbs build breads of life. Adjust your thinking.
We should be in an all out war between China and the US/Russia. The plan is working perfectly. Trudeau is harassing truckers. That was not the plan. Petty tyrant about to get steamrolled by popular opinion.
All precipice - The real question is - how did the truckers corner Trudeau?
I can't tell the truth about J6. Nobody here is ready for it.
God wins. Truckers are snowed in. 7 day storm.
The people of Ottawa are fine taking citizen's taxes that build their city, but the taxed are not welcome. That shit isn't going to fly.
All I can say is this - There will be no World War and J6 was part of ensuring there would be no World War
bingo - revolution with no guns and no killing in mass numbers
[They] lost control of their own op and there was another op within an op AND there was an op that used both those ops.
If you can't get in a plane and fly away can you cross a border for sanctuary?