Anonymous ID: d753a8 Feb. 18, 2022, 7:21 a.m. No.15657073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is a proposition for the victory conditions of an asymmetrical right-wing insurgency against the global, liberal, big-tech-lead state.


  1. Self-Improvement

  2. Independent study of a vital STEM subject, construction, navigation, or basic survival

  3. Gathering valuable literature from the pre-Internet era, and reading that, rather than anything found on the Internet

  4. Awareness that whatever one consumes will program one's mind over time; no one is immune to this

  5. Reduced consumption of entertainment and online socialization, including on anonymous imageboards; overall reduction of screentime and media influence

  6. Adoption of a long-term physical exercise routine, no matter how relaxed or rigorous


  1. Financial and Material Independence

  2. Exchange of currency for physical wealth

  3. Establishment of direct trade for essential goods between trusted people

  4. Minimization of continued dependence on industrially produced goods

  5. Reduction in usage of any modern technology utilizing the Internet

  6. Gradual departure from the financial system and any means to be tracked by it

  7. Development or seizing of the means of production


  1. Dethroning of Big Brother

  2. Development of a decentralized instant messaging and social media platform, attractive to the general public like Reddit and TikTok, but unadministrable on a large-scale (4chan, Telegram, and Tor boards will be compromised eventually)

  3. Nullifying of Big Tech data-mining efforts by flooding the Internet with AI-generated garbage content

  4. Making public surveillance obsolete by releasing an endless stream of AI-generated fake content

  5. Compromising Big Tech from within by infiltrating them over several years


  1. Dismantling of Hostile Media

  2. Infiltration with the aim of furthering infighting, while avoiding direct involvement

  3. Studying the grammar, vocabulary, overall writing style, habits, and psychology of chosen targets

  4. Shutting down moderate voices, such as by framing them for being right-wing collaborators, furthering the purity spiral

  5. Real-life psychological torture of journalists who profess anti-white views and/or are guilty of dishonesty and disintegrity

  6. Employment of Zersetzung, methods used by the Ministerium für Staatsicherheit, against the aforementioned


  1. Destruction of Cancel Culture

  2. Targeting of individuals responsible for implementing Anti-Hate Speech Laws

  3. Acceleration of the purity spiral among hostile media by aforementioned means

  4. Development of the aformentioned decentralized social platform


  1. Erasure of Feminism

  2. Removal of female political and institutional power within liberal democracies

  3. Abolition of government mandated wealth transfers to divorced or single females

  4. Inhibition of all birth control within white communities, except for undesirables

  5. Physical and cultural banishment of feminists and traitorous females

  6. Public shaming of excessive public promiscuity, for non-prostitute females


. Establishment of Ethnic Enclaves and Reversion of White Flight

  • The long-term physical and economic takeover of formerly white, nowadays non-white and liberal areas, starting from the friendliest, whitest suburbs and advancing towards ghettoes - by any means available

  • Starting local small businesses, subverting any hostile businesses, disrupting undesirables who receive welfare, eventually driving away undesirables


  1. Simultaenous but Separate Bottom-Up and Top-Down Activity

  2. By the end of the year every single capable and conscious white man, if they want to change the future, needs to either be part of a grass-roots cell or have their sights set on a long-term infiltration or business project

  3. Grass-roots level actors operate within cells of up to five people, and collaborate with other cells horizontally, preferring anonymity where possible

  4. Top-level actors operate or infiltrate hierarchies and effect organizational change as lone actors, avoiding any connections with right-wing organizations or figures

  5. Any collaboration across top-level and grass-roots level actors must be conducted in absolute anonymity or risk being compromised


  1. Avoiding infighting

  2. Rivalry among European ethnicities must be treated as friendly banter

  3. Religious questions ought to be resolved on a community by community basis

  4. Always keep common mid-term goals on mind when approaching disagreement

  5. Individuals who sow seeds of white emasculation, right-wing in-fighting, or demoralization of any kind should be confronted, and as a final recourse be collectively ignored

  6. Owing to the overall tendencies of female behavior, women but also feminine people in general should not hold power - especially if they try to influence or change the plan - as this has too often led to infighting - women must either absolutely follow the rules or entirely stay out


Once a reasonable set of goals can be agreed on, each cell will choose which ones they are capable and willing of advancing. The left-wing agitation, lockdown frustration, and economic downturn in recent years makes 2022 a good year to recruit and begin operating.