All narratives are lies because no one really wants to know how the sausage is made. Plus, the easily spooked masses make truth telling very dangerous.
It's a big cult, and you probably are or have been in it.
Pluto return literally means pluto is in the same place in it's orbit that it was when 'X' happened. In this case, pluto has made 1 orbit since 4 July 1776. It's really not a thing, until people try to make it a thing.
Zoomers are experts in silencing dissent and love fascist nanny staters and 'righteous' overbearing "protectors". The cult brainwashing runs deep.
Who "Crowns" the Soverign?
What institution provides the foundation for bloodline royalty?
What's the penalty for going against the Crown?
Feels like we're coming up on real March Madness quickly. Hyper inflation, supply shortages, tyrannical overreach, blockades, social media crackdowns, currency seizures, media instigated international conflict.
Narrative or real?