if ES is a clown, he released info to help the baddies while pretending to care for the peoples rights. But in this slavegarden, [they] have never respected our rights and work against us day, week, month, year, century, millennia.. i had the thought ES gave up xKeyscore/prism to let the cabal members know what to avoid. Like tom hanks and his type writters. He ended up in RUS for a reason. Prob the same reason Sergey Brin was born there.
Fom post 23: Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.
From post 585: TRUST Adm R. He played the game to remain in control.
For the cabal to win with the NWO/Great Reset, MI would have to be taken into the fold along with any programs under their control. An obvious op that works against that control is why we are all here.